Optimal coordination of overcurrent relays in microgrid environments
Palabras clave:
Microgrid, Active distribution networks, overcurrent relay, protection scheme, optimization (en)Descargas
The inclusion of distributed energy resources in distribution networks originates new control, operation, and protection issues. In overcurrent protection, several relay settings must deal with the numerous operative states of such distribution networks; then, this situation makes difficult the relay adjust- ment. In this context, obtaining a unique relay adjustment that guarantees the correct operation for all operating conditions, accomplishing the basic principles, like sensitivity, selectivity, speed, reliability, simplicity, and economics, is an issue. This paper proposes an overcurrent relay coordination methodology that can be implemented in active distribution networks, which has low cost and avoids using communication systems. The proposed protection methodology focuses on obtain- ing a global coordination setting that allows an appropriate trip of relays considering several operating conditions. The results show the viability of this methodology in real-life applications by considering the operating states with the highest probability of occurrence in the network. However, as the circuit complexity increases and, consequently, operatives’ states, the actuation times of protection devices tend to be slower.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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