

Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks

Palabras clave:

Daily pattern, distance measures, harmonic currents, harmonic emission, residential customers, similarity measures, time-series, harmonic modelling. (en)
Inglés (es)



  • Ana María Blanco Castañeda Technische Universitaet Dresden
  • Andres Pavas Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Peter Schegner Technische Universität Dresden
  • Jan Meyer Technische Universität Dresden

Distance and similarity measures are used to evaluate the resemblance of the daily patterns of harmonic current magnitudes of residential low-voltage networks. A method based on the Euclidean distance and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient is introduced for the comparison of different daily patterns. The method was applied to the measured harmonic currents of different residential sites. The results showed that the fundamental, 3rd and 9th harmonic magnitudes have always a clear daily pattern. The 5th, 7th, 11th and 15th harmonic magnitudes show in almost 60% of the cases a daily pattern, but for other harmonic orders daily patterns are less obvious or do not exist. Consequently, time-series modeling techniques may be appropriate for the first odd harmonics, but the higher the harmonic order, the more random is the behavior of the harmonic magnitudes and other modeling methods may be more suitable.


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Cómo citar


Blanco Castañeda, A. M., Pavas, A., Schegner, P. y Meyer, J. (2023). Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10.


Blanco Castañeda, A.M., Pavas, A., Schegner, P. y Meyer, J. 2023. Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL. 10, (mar. 2023).


Blanco Castañeda, A. M.; Pavas, A.; Schegner, P.; Meyer, J. Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks. SICEL 2023, 10.


BLANCO CASTAÑEDA, A. M.; PAVAS, A.; SCHEGNER, P.; MEYER, J. Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, [S. l.], v. 10, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 feb. 2025.


Blanco Castañeda, Ana María, Andres Pavas, Peter Schegner, y Jan Meyer. 2023. «Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks». Simposio Internacional Sobre La Calidad De La Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo).


Blanco Castañeda, A. M., Pavas, A., Schegner, P. y Meyer, J. (2023) «Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks», Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10. Disponible en: (Accedido: 9 febrero 2025).


A. M. Blanco Castañeda, A. Pavas, P. Schegner, y J. Meyer, «Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks», SICEL, vol. 10, mar. 2023.


Blanco Castañeda, A. M., A. Pavas, P. Schegner, y J. Meyer. «Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, vol. 10, marzo de 2023,


Blanco Castañeda, Ana María, Andres Pavas, Peter Schegner, y Jan Meyer. «Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo 21, 2023). Accedido febrero 9, 2025.


Blanco Castañeda AM, Pavas A, Schegner P, Meyer J. Daily Pattern recognition of Harmonic Currents of Residential Low Voltage Networks. SICEL [Internet]. 21 de marzo de 2023 [citado 9 de febrero de 2025];10. Disponible en:

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