Analysis of the Impact of Dispatch Strategies in the Sizing and Operation of Microgrids using HOMER Pro Software
Palabras clave:
Dispatch strategy, HOMER Pro, microgrid, sizing (en)Descargas
Renewable generation microgrids are a trend because they contribute to energy efficiency, reliability on the power supply, and a decrease in the use of fossil fuels. The uncertainty of renewable generation and the load demand are challenges for microgrids. A solution to these challenges is the energy dispatch designed by rules that consider specific operating conditions. Each of the possible strategies found in the literature dispatches energy at the lowest cost. This paper studies the influence of control strategy and the on-site energy potential on the sizing of isolated MGs, considering five dispatch strategies for two rural areas; Jericó and Orito in Colombia, where access to electricity supply is limited. HOMER Pro supports this study for two scenarios or architectures of a MG formed by photovoltaic panels system, genset, wind turbine, controller, and batteries. The dispatch strategies are load following, cycle charging, combined dispatch, predictive dispatch, and generator order. To determine the most appropriate architecture, financial and reliability indicators are applied, net present cost, cost of energy, capacity shortage, and penetration of renewables. Results confirm that the dispatch strategy and the energy resource affect the sizing and operation of microgrids.
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