Estimation of variations of electrical parameters in low voltage networks due to rapid fluctuations of solar irradiance
Palabras clave:
smart metering, intermittent cloudiness, power flows, voltage regulation, conductor power losses, Electric Power Distribution Systems (EPDS), photovoltaic (PV) systems (en)Descargas
The power injection of photovoltaic (PV) systems depends on the varying behavior of solar irradiance on site. Some studies analyze the impact that rapid fluctuations in solar irradiance can cause on the operation of electrical networks, but there is a lack of methodological proposals to apply. This work proposes a procedure to estimate voltage variations, power flows, and power losses in conductors due to such fluctuations of a case study. The characterization of solar irradiance is carried out with data taken in the PV system of a university building. Additionally, some devices of the intelligent measurement system of the studied building allow data collection in the order of minutes. These data allow generating a simulation of power flow through iterative calculations in steady-state for each minute. It allows to carry out a basic analysis of the behavior of the electrical variables to be studied, taking into account the power injection of the PV system and the effects of intermittence due to cloudiness.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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