A Review of Test Systems and Tools to Evaluate the Harmonic Distortion in Low Voltage Distribution Networks with Photovoltaic Penetration
Palabras clave:
PV penetration, harmonic distortion, LV distribution networks (en)Descargas
Photovoltaic penetration in low voltage distribution networks is a reality nowadays. The signal distortion is a power quality negative effect caused by the high penetration on the network. Diverse studies have been developed in order to evaluate the harmonic distortion, to analyze the negative impact into the network and to propose possible solutions. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of test systems, tools, possible scenarios and main ways to evaluate the distortion. Two perspectives have been consider. The first one is centered in network analysis, thus in this case, the test system is very important to the distortion assessment. The second one is focused on the detailed modeling of electronic devices involved in the PV systems before the network, and then the network is seen as a box. Therefore, this literature review can be a reference of the researchers interested on simulating and developing power quality analysis specially the harmonic distortion in low voltage networks with photovoltaic penetration.
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