Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources Analysis Using the Dispa-Set Model in Colombian Power System Projected at 2024
Palabras clave:
Availability Factors, Batteries, Economic Dispatch, Flexible Resources, Forecast Renewable Generation, Unit Commitment (en)Descargas
The current paper uses the Dispa-Set model to evaluate the effect of integrating renewable energy sources into the Colombian power system. Specifically, the projected power system for the year 2024 is used as a test-bench. In the Dispa-Set model developed, operational constraints as well as net transfer capacity (NTC) constraints were included. In addition to renewable energies, the impact of including battery energy storage systems was also assessed. The analysis carried on in this paper consisted in comparing the unit commitment and economic dispatch obtained with different hydrology profiles and predicted renewable energy shares. The predicted renewable energy generation was computed from the available historical information gathered on the weather stations deployed throughout the country.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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