

APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment


  • Andrés L. Cárdenas Rozo
  • Peter J. Harries

Cárdenas Rozo AL, Harries PJ. Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta biol. Colomb. 2016;21(3):501-508. DOI:

All the statistical analyses, were done using R (The R Project for Statistical Computing,


This appendix includes:

            Supplementary data

            Supplementary methods

            Tables 1 to 11

            Figures 1 to 4

            Supplementary references


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Cómo citar


Cárdenas Rozo, A. L. y Harries, P. J. (2016). APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta Biológica Colombiana, 21(3).


Cárdenas Rozo, A.L. y Harries, P.J. 2016. APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta Biológica Colombiana. 21, 3 (sep. 2016). DOI:


Cárdenas Rozo, A. L.; Harries, P. J. APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta biol. Colomb. 2016, 21.


CÁRDENAS ROZO, A. L.; HARRIES, P. J. APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta Biológica Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 3, 2016. DOI: 10.15446/abc.v21n3.59821. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.


Cárdenas Rozo, Andrés L., y Peter J. Harries. 2016. «APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment». Acta Biológica Colombiana 21 (3).


Cárdenas Rozo, A. L. y Harries, P. J. (2016) «APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment», Acta Biológica Colombiana, 21(3). doi: 10.15446/abc.v21n3.59821.


A. L. Cárdenas Rozo y P. J. Harries, «APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment», Acta biol. Colomb., vol. 21, n.º 3, sep. 2016.


Cárdenas Rozo, A. L., y P. J. Harries. «APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment». Acta Biológica Colombiana, vol. 21, n.º 3, septiembre de 2016, doi:10.15446/abc.v21n3.59821.


Cárdenas Rozo, Andrés L., y Peter J. Harries. «APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment». Acta Biológica Colombiana 21, no. 3 (septiembre 1, 2016). Accedido marzo 26, 2025.


Cárdenas Rozo AL, Harries PJ. APPENDIX:Planktic foraminiferal diversity: logistic growth overprinted by a varying environment. Acta biol. Colomb. [Internet]. 1 de septiembre de 2016 [citado 26 de marzo de 2025];21(3). Disponible en:

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