Germinación y crecimiento de una planta foránea, satureja sp. ( Labiaceae ) sobre tres sustratos orgánicos bajo condiciones controladas en la sabana de Bogotá, Colombia
Germination and Growth of a Foreign Plant, Satureja sp.(Labiaceae) Over Three Organic Substrates Under Controlled Conditions in the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia
Ajedrea, Satureja S, Germinación, Longitud del Vástago, Biomasa, Sustratos (es)Ajedrea, Satureja SP., Germination Percentage, Leaf Number, Steam Length, Dry Weight, Substrates (en)
Bogotá, in order to determine which are the best conditions for its culture. The major germination percentage was found in the seeds sowed on control conditions (earth with a neutral and basic pH). The manure substrate showed notorious results concerning steam length, dry weight and leaf number. The third substrate, soil and trash, did not render results neither on germination or other parameters. In conclusion, if the commercial interest is to obtain a longer steams, greater leaf number and biomass, we recommend the manure treatment.
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