New citations of Agronomia Colombiana


Cita de:

Magnitskiy, S., Ligarreto, G., & Lancheros, H. (2011). Rooting of two types of cuttings of fruit crops Vaccinium floribundum Kunth and Disterigma alaternoides (Kunth) Niedenzu (Ericaceae). Agronomía Colombia­na, 29(2), 197–203.

Citado en:

Vega-Polo, P., Cobo, M., Argudo, A., Gutiérrez, B., Rowntree, J., & Torres, M. L. (2020). Characterizing the genetic diversity of the Andean blueberry (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth.) across the Ecuadorian Highlands. (bioRxiv preprint).