Efectos de la aplicación de ceniza pe cascarilla de arroz en la composición química y mineralógica de dos Oxisoles de Colombia
ceniza pe cascarilla de arroz, composición química, mineralógica, Oxisoles, efectos, aplicaciones (es)Downloads
de temperatura constante del laboratorio de Suelos del Departamento de la Ciencia del Suelo de la Universidad de Reading, Inglaterra. Se realizó el ensayo en dos condiciones de humedad saturado y capacidad de campo. Se usaron dosis de ceniza de cascarilla de arroz correspondiente a 0,4, 8 y 16 toneladas por hectárea (ton.ha-1) y tiempos de muestreo de 1,3,8,15,30,60,90, 150, 210 y 300 días. En cada tiempo de muestreo se realizaron las siguientes determinaciones 1. Silicio soluble en agua extraído con CaC12 0,01 M. 2. Oxidos de hierro libres, extra ido con ditionito de sodio. 3. Oxidos de aluminio, con HN03 concentrado y H202 y agua destilada. 4. Aluminio intercambiable, extra ido con KCI y determinado por Aluminon leído en Autoanalizador Automático. 5. Fósforo disponible, método de Olsen y leído en Autoanalizador.
6. pH, relación 1: 1 (suela CaC12) leído en pH-meter ION-86.
7. Calcio, magnesio y manganeso intercambiables extraídos con KCL 1N y leídos en Espectrofotómetro de Absorción Atómica Perkin-Elmer 3030. 8. Fijación de fósforo usando solución KH2P04 en CaC1? 0,01 M.9. Difracción de Havos-X para la fracción arcilla saturada con Mg·glicol y lerda en
Difractómetro Philips PoN 1050. La información obtenida del presente experimento permite las siguientes conclusiones;
la aplicación de ceniza de cascarilla presenta efectos significativos aumentando el contenido de calcio, magnesio y manganeso en ambos suelos y en especial bajo condiciones
de saturación comparado con capacidad de campo; se muestra aumento en el cantenido de fósforo soluble particularmente en condiciones de capacidad de campo.
La aplicación de ceniza de cascarilla de arroz no parece ser efectiva para disminuir la cantidad de Al-intercamblable ni el contenido de óxidos de hierro, igual que no dlsminuye
la cantidad de fósforo agregado fijado por el suelo.
Se recomienda continuar investigando con la ceniza de cascarilla de arroz bajo condiciones de campo utilizando cultivos como maíz, arroz o pastos y determinar el efecto
residual de la ceniza por lo menos durante tres cultivos consecutivos. En el presente artículo solamente se hará
presentación de los resultados de mayor significación.
The approach for the present experiment was based on the following points: 1. Amorphus shica present in rice hull ashes reacts with aluminium compounds present in the soil diminishing aluminium activity, 2. Amorphous silica added to the soil could decrease the amount of phosphate sorbed by the soil, 3. An increase in nutrient content of the soil could occurs when rice hull ashes are applied, and 4. Amorphus silica could form differentty pes of clay. The two soil samples used in the experiment were taken from the top soil )0.25· c)
of two fields (liLa Reserva" and "Lote Experimental") on the Carimagua Experimental Station of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical "CIAT" located at the Llanos Orientales, Meta (Colombia). According to the New Classification System the two soils are classified as Typic Haplustox ("Lote Experimenta") and Tropeptlc Haplustox (liLa Reserva"); they are representative of a large portion of soHs in the East area of the Llanos Orientales. A factorial desing with two repetitions was used. Plastic pots capped were located on open wire netting shelves in a dark constant
temperature room (25°C ± 1) of the Soils Laboratory of the Soil Science Departarment of the University of Reading, Reading England. The variables were: a.-Amount of ashes
equivalent to O, 4, 8, and 16 ton. hr 1,b. Humidity conditions: field capacity and flooded. c-Sampling times: 1,3,8, 15,30,
60,90,150,210 and 300 days. The soil samples taken from the pots every time of sampling were tested for the following
determinations. 1. Silicon water soluble, extracted by 0,01M
CaC12. (Oliver, R. 1971). 2. Free Iron Oxides extracted with sodium dithionite. 3. Aluminium oxides treated twice with
HN03 and H202 and H20. 4. Exchangeable aluminium extracted with 1N KCL, determined by Aluminon Me·
thod in Automated Auto Analiser. 5. Available phosphorus determined by the Olsen Method and determined by using
the Auto Analiser. 6. pH 1:1 (soil:CaC12) measured using a
ION-86 Analuser pl+meter. 7. Calcium, Magnesium and Manganese extracted by KC1 1N and determined using
a Perkin-Elmer 3030. 8. Phosphate absortion adding solutions of P (KH2P02 in CaC12 0,01 M) shaking for 24 hs. and determined in the Auto Analiser. 9. Mineral determinations: for X-ray diffraction analysis only the clay fraction was
used Mg-glycol saturated using a Philips PW 1050 diffractometer. The information obtained from the present
experiment allows the following conclusions: Application of rice hull ashes had a significant effect increasing the amount of calcium, magnesium and maganese in both sampies
mainly on flooded conditions and increase phosphate content particularly under field capacity conditions. Application of rice hull ashes had not been effective for diminishing AI3 activity or Feoxides content nor the amount of-P-sorbed. Further work with rice hull ashes must be conducted through field trials using crops such as rice, corn or grasses and their residual
effects obtained from three consecutive crops at least.
Only significant results will be mentionated in this paper.
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