

Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate

Tamizaje de genotipos de soya colombianos para transformación genética mediada por Agrobacterium confiriendo tolerancia a glifosato



Glycine max, herbicide, genetically modified organism, in vitro regeneration, transgenic plant. (en)
Glycine max, herbicida, organismo genéticamente modificado, regeneracion in vitro, planta transgenica. (es)



  • Adriana Rojas Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Biología - Plant Genetic Engineering Research Group
  • Silvio Lopez-Pazos Universidad Antonio Nariño - Sciences Faculty
  • Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Biología - Plant Genetic Engineering Research Group
Soybean is a very important crop worldwide due to its multiple uses as raw material for industry and to its high nutritional value. Colombia consumes a large amount of imported soybean because domestic production does not supply demand. There are soybean varieties adapted to the environmental conditions in the Colombian territory, but none of them have been enhanced by genetic engineering to confer competitive advantages compared to imported product. In this research, the Colombian soybean varieties SK7, p29 and Soyica p34 ability to be genetically transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains AGL0 and EHA105 using a Glyphosate tolerance cassette was tested. It was found that SK7 variety presented a better regeneration performance from the cotyledonary node, and also had the highest transformation frequency with AGL0 strain. The p29 variety was also transformed, but a lower efficiency was registered. It was not possible to transform Soyica p34 variety under the established parameters. This research is an advance towards the construction of a platform to enhance the generic transgenic crops in Colombia.
La soya es un cultivo muy importante a nivel mundial debido a sus múltiples usos en la industria y a su alto valor nutricional. Colombia consume una gran cantidad de soya, principalmente importada, porque la producción interna no suple la demanda. Existen variedades de soya adaptadas a las condiciones medioambientales del territorio colombiano, pero ninguna de ellas ha sido mejorada por ingeniería genética para conferir ventajas competitivas al cultivo frente a las importaciones. En este trabajo se evaluaron las variedades de soya SK7, p29 y Soyica p34 respecto a su capacidad para ser transformadas genéticamente por las cepas de Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGLO y EHA105, utilizando un casete de tolerancia a glifosato. Se encontró que la variedad SK7 presentó un mejor desempeño en regeneración a partir de nudo cotiledonar, e igualmente tuvo la mayor frecuencia de transformación con la cepa AGLO. La variedad p29 también fue transformada, aunque con una eficiencia menor. No fue posible transformar la variedad Soyica p34 bajo los parámetros establecidos. Este trabajo fue un avance hacia la construcción de una plataforma de generación de cultivos transgénicos genéricos en Colombia.


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How to Cite


Rojas, A., Lopez-Pazos, S. and Chaparro-Giraldo, A. (2018). Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate. Agronomía Colombiana, 36(1), 24–34.


Rojas, A., Lopez-Pazos, S. and Chaparro-Giraldo, A. 2018. Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate. Agronomía Colombiana. 36, 1 (Jan. 2018), 24–34. DOI:


Rojas, A.; Lopez-Pazos, S.; Chaparro-Giraldo, A. Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate. Agron. Colomb. 2018, 36, 24-34.


ROJAS, A.; LOPEZ-PAZOS, S.; CHAPARRO-GIRALDO, A. Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate. Agronomía Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 36, n. 1, p. 24–34, 2018. DOI: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v36n1.67440. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 apr. 2024.


Rojas, Adriana, Silvio Lopez-Pazos, and Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo. 2018. “Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate”. Agronomía Colombiana 36 (1):24-34.


Rojas, A., Lopez-Pazos, S. and Chaparro-Giraldo, A. (2018) “Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate”, Agronomía Colombiana, 36(1), pp. 24–34. doi: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v36n1.67440.


A. Rojas, S. Lopez-Pazos, and A. Chaparro-Giraldo, “Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate”, Agron. Colomb., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 24–34, Jan. 2018.


Rojas, A., S. Lopez-Pazos, and A. Chaparro-Giraldo. “Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate”. Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 24-34, doi:10.15446/agron.colomb.v36n1.67440.


Rojas, Adriana, Silvio Lopez-Pazos, and Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo. “Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate”. Agronomía Colombiana 36, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 24–34. Accessed April 25, 2024.


Rojas A, Lopez-Pazos S, Chaparro-Giraldo A. Screening of Colombian soybean genotypes for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation conferring tolerance to Glyphosate. Agron. Colomb. [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Apr. 25];36(1):24-3. Available from:

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CrossRef citations4

1. Julian Mora-Oberlaender, Jenny Jiménez-Barreto, Yadira Rodríguez-Abril, Meike Estrada-Arteaga, Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo. (2022). Cisgenic Crops: Potential and Prospects. Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences. , p.89.

2. Karen Daniela Gómez, Vanessa Parra-González, Juan Camilo Marín-Loaiza, Jesús Gil, Diego Luis Durango. (2023). Isoflavonoid composition and antioxidant activity on elicited and non-elicited sprouts of six soy cultivars grown in Colombia. Bragantia, 82

3. Julian Mora-Oberlaender, Yadira Rodriguez-Abril, Meike Estrada-Arteaga, Luisa Galindo-Sotomonte, Juan David Romero-Betancourt, Jenny Paola Jiménez-Barreto, Camilo López-Carrascal, Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo. (2024). Agbiogeneric soybean with glyphosate tolerance: Genetic transformation of new Colombian varieties. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 24(1)

4. Deeksha Rawat, Aarti Bains, Prince Chawla, Ravinder Kaushik, Rahul Yadav, Anil Kumar, Kandi Sridhar, Minaxi Sharma. (2023). Hazardous impacts of glyphosate on human and environment health: Occurrence and detection in food. Chemosphere, 329, p.138676.



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