

Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach

La infraestructura agrícola como factor clave en los ingresos de los agricultores emergentes en Sudáfrica. Una aproximación de frontera estocástica



agricultural income, smallholder farmer, infrastructure availability, infrastructure accessibility (en)
renta agraria, pequeño agricultor, disponibilidad de infraestructura, accesibilidad a la infraestructura (es)



A stochastic frontier model was applied to cross-sectional data to examine whether availability and accessibility of agricultural infrastructure for emerging farmers enhance their agricultural income through efficiency gains. Using a stratified sampling approach, the study grouped the farmers into two; those who had agricultural infrastructure and those who did not have it. Through a survey, data collected from a sample of 150 smallholder farmers in the study area were analyzed using the frontier model. The explanatory variables that were statistically significant and which influenced the agricultural income of the emerging farmers in the study area included the following: equipment, social, institutional availability and physical accessibility indices, education, access to agricultural extension services, age of farmers, assistance of household members in farming, membership in farmers’ organizations, and marital status of the farmers. Informed policies aimed at improving the income of smallholder farmers might consider the results of the explanatory variables included in this study.

Se aplicó un modelo de frontera estocástica a los datos de corte transversal para examinar si la disponibilidad y accesibilidad de la infraestructura agrícola para los agricultores emergentes incrementa su ingreso agrícola a través del aumento de la eficiencia. Utilizando un enfoque de muestreo estratificado, el estudio agrupó a los agricultores en dos; los que tenían la infraestructura agrícola y los que no la tenían. A través de una encuesta, los datos recolectados de una muestra de 150 pequeños agricultores en el área de estudio fueron analizados
utilizando el modelo de frontera. Las variables explicativas que fueron estadísticamente significativas y que influyeron en el ingreso agrícola de los agricultores emergentes en el área de estudio incluyen: equipo, índices de disponibilidad social,
institucional y de accesibilidad física, educación, acceso a servicios de extensión agrícola, edad de los agricultores, asistencia de los miembros del hogar en agricultura, membrecía de organizaciones de agricultores y estado civil de los agricultores. Las políticas informadas dirigidas a mejorar los ingresos de los pequeños agricultores pueden considerar los resultados de las variables explicativas incluidas en el estudio.


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How to Cite


Mazibuko, N., Antwi, M. and Rubhara, T. (2020). Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach. Agronomía Colombiana, 38(2), 261–271.


Mazibuko, N., Antwi, M. and Rubhara, T. 2020. Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach. Agronomía Colombiana. 38, 2 (May 2020), 261–271. DOI:


Mazibuko, N.; Antwi, M.; Rubhara, T. Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach. Agron. Colomb. 2020, 38, 261-271.


MAZIBUKO, N.; ANTWI, M.; RUBHARA, T. Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach. Agronomía Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 38, n. 2, p. 261–271, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/agroncolomb.v38n2.81292. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 sep. 2024.


Mazibuko, Ndumiso, Michael Antwi, and Theresa Rubhara. 2020. “Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach”. Agronomía Colombiana 38 (2):261-71.


Mazibuko, N., Antwi, M. and Rubhara, T. (2020) “Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach”, Agronomía Colombiana, 38(2), pp. 261–271. doi: 10.15446/agroncolomb.v38n2.81292.


N. Mazibuko, M. Antwi, and T. Rubhara, “Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach”, Agron. Colomb., vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 261–271, May 2020.


Mazibuko, N., M. Antwi, and T. Rubhara. “Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach”. Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 38, no. 2, May 2020, pp. 261-7, doi:10.15446/agroncolomb.v38n2.81292.


Mazibuko, Ndumiso, Michael Antwi, and Theresa Rubhara. “Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach”. Agronomía Colombiana 38, no. 2 (May 1, 2020): 261–271. Accessed September 12, 2024.


Mazibuko N, Antwi M, Rubhara T. Agricultural infrastructure as the driver of emerging farmers’ income in South Africa. A stochastic frontier approach. Agron. Colomb. [Internet]. 2020 May 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 12];38(2):261-7. Available from:

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