

Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions

Estudio del efecto de la aplicación de glifosato sobre poblaciones de Colémbolos en condiciones controladas



bioindicator, ecotoxicology, herbicide, springtails (en)
bioindicador, ecotoxicología, herbicida, colémbolos (es)



  • Felipe Torres Moya Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá - Departamento de Agronomía
  • Mónica Dotor-Robayo Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá - Departamento de Agronomía

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide. However, the effects of this molecule on non-target populations are still a subject of study. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the application of different glyphosate doses on variation in collembolan (springtail) populations. To accomplish this goal, samples of organic substrate that contained different collembolan populations were collected. Samples were taken to the laboratory and acclimatized for 48 hours. Glyphosate C14 was then applied to the samples in doses equivalent to 0 L ha-1, 2 L ha-1, and 4 L ha-1 under a completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and five replicates. Population counts were performed by implementing the flotation method at 0, 4, 7 and 11 days after application (DAA). We found that individuals were distributed in the families Isotomidae and Entomobryidae and divided into species of the genus Proisotoma (Börner), Lepidocyrtus (Bourlet) and Seira (Lubbock). A decrease in the number of arthropods between 40% and 60% was reported for the treatments with herbicide application at 4 and 7 DAA, showing a drop in the size of the community in those treatments in which the herbicide was applied compared to the control. However, no differences were observed between herbicide doses. Additionally, the presence of glyphosate C14 was demonstrated in dead individuals. This confirms a possible effect of the herbicide on some biological systems that led to a decrease in the size of the population.

El glifosato es el herbicida más utilizado a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, los efectos de esta molécula sobre poblaciones no objetivo aún es tema de estudio. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de la aplicación de diferentes dosis de glifosato sobre la variación de las poblaciones de colémbolos. Para esto, se recolectaron muestras de un sustrato orgánico que contenía diferentes poblaciones de colémbolos. Las muestras se llevaron al laboratorio y se aclimataron durante 48 horas. Después se les aplicó glifosato C14 en dosis equivalentes a 0 L ha-1, 2 L ha-1, y 4 L ha-1 bajo un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con tres tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. Se realizaron conteos poblacionales implementando el método de flotación a los 0, 4, 7 y 11 días después de aplicación (DDA). Se encontró una distribución de individuos en las familias Isotomidae y Entomobryidae, divididos en especies de los géneros Proisotoma (Börner), Lepidocyrtus (Bourlet) y Seira (Lubbock). Se reportó una disminución entre el 40% y 60% en el número de artrópodos para los tratamientos donde se utilizó el herbicida a los 4 y 7 DDA, mostrando una disminución del tamaño de la
comunidad en aquellos tratamientos en los cuales se aplicó el herbicida en relación con el testigo. Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias entre las dosis de herbicida. Adicionalmente
se demostró la presencia de glifosato C14 en los individuos muertos; esto confirma un posible efecto del herbicida sobre algunos sistemas biológicos que llevo a una disminución del tamaño de la población.


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How to Cite


Torres Moya, F. and Dotor-Robayo, M. . (2020). Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions. Agronomía Colombiana, 38(3), 398–405.


Torres Moya, F. and Dotor-Robayo, M. 2020. Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions. Agronomía Colombiana. 38, 3 (Sep. 2020), 398–405. DOI:


Torres Moya, F.; Dotor-Robayo, M. . Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions. Agron. Colomb. 2020, 38, 398-405.


TORRES MOYA, F.; DOTOR-ROBAYO, M. . Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions. Agronomía Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 38, n. 3, p. 398–405, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v38n3.85626. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 sep. 2024.


Torres Moya, Felipe, and Mónica Dotor-Robayo. 2020. “Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions”. Agronomía Colombiana 38 (3):398-405.


Torres Moya, F. and Dotor-Robayo, M. . (2020) “Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions”, Agronomía Colombiana, 38(3), pp. 398–405. doi: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v38n3.85626.


F. Torres Moya and M. . Dotor-Robayo, “Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions”, Agron. Colomb., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 398–405, Sep. 2020.


Torres Moya, F., and M. . Dotor-Robayo. “Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions”. Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 38, no. 3, Sept. 2020, pp. 398-05, doi:10.15446/agron.colomb.v38n3.85626.


Torres Moya, Felipe, and Mónica Dotor-Robayo. “Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions”. Agronomía Colombiana 38, no. 3 (September 1, 2020): 398–405. Accessed September 4, 2024.


Torres Moya F, Dotor-Robayo M. Study of the effects of glyphosate application on Collembola populations under controlled conditions. Agron. Colomb. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 4];38(3):398-405. Available from:

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