

Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation

Actividad acaricida y repelencia de aceites esenciales comerciales sobre Tetranychus urticae in vitro y cultivo protegido


Palabras clave:

spider mite, mixtures, toxicity (en)
ácaro araña, mezclas, toxicidad (es)



This study analyzed the toxicity by residual contact and the repellency effect of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita, Melaleuca alternifolia, and Commiphora myrrha and their mixtures on adult females of Tetranychus urticae in laboratory and protected cultivation. The essential oil of C. myrrha exhibited a LC50 of 0.55 ml L-1, and the mixtures R. officinalis + M. piperita + M. alternifolia + C. myrrha, C. myrrha + M. piperita, and C. myrrha + M. alternifolia showed 68%, 60%, and 36% mortality, respectively. The essential oils of C. myrrha and M. alternifolia showed 95 and 70% of repellency, respectively. Mixtures of C. myrrha + M. alternifolia, C. myrrha + M. piperita, and C. myrrha + R. officinalis provided repellency of 85, 74 and 73%, respectively. Toxicity by residual contact of the essential oil of C. myrrha in protected cultivation exhibited 93% mortality, while the acaricide fenpyroximate showed 80%. The constituents of essential oils were eucalyptol (49.66%), M. piperita menthol (48.53%), M. alternifolia terpinen-4-ol (48.93%), and C. myrrha benzyl benzoate (97.71%). The essential oil of C. myrrha and the mixtures R. officinalis + M. piperita + M. alternifolia + C. myrrha and C. myrrha + M. piperita showed significant mortality. However, further studies are needed to assess the cost/benefit ratio and the effects on non-target organisms.

El presente estudio analizó la toxicidad por contacto residual y el efecto repelente de los aceites esenciales de Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita, Melaleuca alternifolia y Commifora myrrha y sus mezclas en hembras adultas de Tetranychus urticae en laboratorio y cultivo protegido. El aceite esencial de C. myrrha exhibió una Cl50 de 0.55 ml L-1 y las mezclas R. officinalis + M. piperita + M. alternifolia + C. myrrha, C. myrrha + M. piperita, y C. myrrha + M. alternifolia presentaron 68%, 60%, y 36% de mortalidad, respectivamente. Los aceites esenciales de C. myrrha y M. alternifolia mostraron 95 y 70% de repelencia, respectivamente. Las mezclas de C. myrrha + M. alternifolia, C. mirrha + M. piperita y C. myrrha + R. officinalis proporcionaron repelencia de 85, 74 y 73%, respectivamente. La toxicidad por contacto residual del aceite esencial de C. myrrha en cultivo protegido presentó una mortalidad del 93%, mientras que el acaricida fenpiroximato presentó un 80%. Los componentes de los aceites esenciales fueron: eucaliptol (49.66%), M. piperita mentol (48.53%), M. alternifolia terpinen- 4-ol (48.93%), y C. myrrha bencil benzoato (97.71%). El aceite esencial de C. myrrha y las mezclas R. officinalis + M. piperita + M. alternifolia + C. myrrha y C. myrrha + M. piperita mostraron una mortalidad significativa. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios para evaluar la relación costo/beneficio y los efectos en organismos no objetivo.


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Cómo citar


Ataide, J. O., Destefani Deolindo, F. ., Garcia Holtz, F. ., Huver, A. ., Bolsoni Zago, H. . y Menini, L. . (2021). Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation. Agronomía Colombiana, 39(2), 226–233.


Ataide, J.O., Destefani Deolindo, F. , Garcia Holtz, F. , Huver, A. , Bolsoni Zago, H. y Menini, L. 2021. Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation. Agronomía Colombiana. 39, 2 (may 2021), 226–233. DOI:


Ataide, J. O.; Destefani Deolindo, F. .; Garcia Holtz, F. .; Huver, A. .; Bolsoni Zago, H. .; Menini, L. . Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation. Agron. Colomb. 2021, 39, 226-233.


ATAIDE, J. O.; DESTEFANI DEOLINDO, F. .; GARCIA HOLTZ, F. .; HUVER, A. .; BOLSONI ZAGO, H. .; MENINI, L. . Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation. Agronomía Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 39, n. 2, p. 226–233, 2021. DOI: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v39n2.94805. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 mar. 2025.


Ataide, Julielson Oliveira, Francieli Destefani Deolindo, Filipe Garcia Holtz, Andressa Huver, Hugo Bolsoni Zago, y Luciano Menini. 2021. «Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation». Agronomía Colombiana 39 (2):226-33.


Ataide, J. O., Destefani Deolindo, F. ., Garcia Holtz, F. ., Huver, A. ., Bolsoni Zago, H. . y Menini, L. . (2021) «Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation», Agronomía Colombiana, 39(2), pp. 226–233. doi: 10.15446/agron.colomb.v39n2.94805.


J. O. Ataide, F. . Destefani Deolindo, F. . Garcia Holtz, A. . Huver, H. . Bolsoni Zago, y L. . Menini, «Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation», Agron. Colomb., vol. 39, n.º 2, pp. 226–233, may 2021.


Ataide, J. O., F. . Destefani Deolindo, F. . Garcia Holtz, A. . Huver, H. . Bolsoni Zago, y L. . Menini. «Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation». Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 39, n.º 2, mayo de 2021, pp. 226-33, doi:10.15446/agron.colomb.v39n2.94805.


Ataide, Julielson Oliveira, Francieli Destefani Deolindo, Filipe Garcia Holtz, Andressa Huver, Hugo Bolsoni Zago, y Luciano Menini. «Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation». Agronomía Colombiana 39, no. 2 (mayo 1, 2021): 226–233. Accedido marzo 3, 2025.


Ataide JO, Destefani Deolindo F, Garcia Holtz F, Huver A, Bolsoni Zago H, Menini L. Acaricidal activity and repellency of commercial essential oils on Tetranychus urticae in vitro and protected cultivation. Agron. Colomb. [Internet]. 1 de mayo de 2021 [citado 3 de marzo de 2025];39(2):226-33. Disponible en:

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1. Hoda S.M. Abdel-Ghany, Fathalla Ayoob, Sobhy Abdel-Shafy, Ahmed A. F. Soliman, Mohamed A. Gebely, Mai Abuowarda. (2024). Comparative toxicity of three variant oils and their nanoemulsions on the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Scientific Reports, 14(1)

2. Dhouha Alimi, Najla Trabelsi, Azhar Hajri, Marwa Ben Amor, Asma Mejri, Selim Jallouli, Hichem Sebai. (2024). Laboratory assessment of the acaricidal, repellent and anti-cholinesterase effects of Melaleuca alternifolia and Chamaemelum nobile essential oils against Hyalomma scupense ticks. Veterinary Research Communications, 48(3), p.1379.

3. Masoud Besati, Mohammad Reza Safarnejad, Atousa Aliahmadi, Mohsen Farzaneh, Hassan Rezadoost, Hasan Rafati. (2024). Optimization and characterization of essential oil-loaded nanoemulsions for enhanced antiviral activity against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in tobacco plants. Industrial Crops and Products, 220, p.119253.



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