E-learning en comunidades aisladas. Una metodología para estudiar el problema del doble aislamiento del aprendiente en e-learning
E-learning, Aislamiento humano, Regiones aisladas, Aplicación de tecnología, Formación Organizacional (es)Downloads
Education is a path to improve business competitiveness. Education allows individuals to get a better participation in society. Advances in information technology tied with the changes in society, enable people to gain complete access to education by e-learning. E-learning pulls down barriers of time and space to provide education to individuals. In isolated regions, e-learning can help to improve technology-related skills. While e-learning helps to find solutions to a number of problems, it also possesses some inherent problems to managers. Higher dropout rate is an important problem in e-learning process. Learner’s feeling of isolation is a principal cause of dropout. When organizations introduce e-learning in isolated regions, a problem emerges: that of double isolation for the learner working on the outside of an academic community. This article presents a methodological approach to set out to construct a model to determine what organizations precisely do to deal with the problem of double isolation, as well as what kinds of results they obtain.
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