
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published previously or has previously been submitted to another journal.
  • The submitted file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The leading text has 1.5 points, the font is Times New Roman and its size 12 points, italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses) and all illustrations, figures and tables are marked with their sources.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the Instructions for Authors which can be found in About the Journal.
  • Figures and tables have been sent in the correct resolution and in separate files. In case these do not belong to the author, he has the permission to publish.
  • Letter of commitment with electronic signatures and academic data format filled are being send.

Author Guidelines

Bitacora Urbano\Territorial is a scientific journal that publishes, on paper and online, works inscribed in the field of housing, habitat, city and territory. The application, selection and publication of the articles are free throughout the process.To ensure the quality of the work published in both media, papers must be submitted to the journal the following parameters:


All collaborations must be submitted under the following modalities.

1. Article result of scientific research: It must be related to a subject relevant to the field of knowledge addressed by the journal. It should make a contribution to it and be referred to original results, partial or final, of an investigation. Articles are received in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. In this modality, the texts are submitted to arbitration by academic peers.

2. Article of reflection: It should be an analytical, interpretive or critical work. It must be referred, preferably, to a current affair in the study area which the journal is specialized in. Its level of argumentation could be lower than the referred in the article; even though it must fulfill the content and form requirements. Articles are received in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. In this modality, the texts are submitted to arbitration by academic peers. Only those that are the product of an article of reflection derived from research results will be accepted.

3. Document derived from work experience: It should provide the results of a specific experience of interest for the field of knowledge addressed by the Journal. Articles are received in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. In this modality, the works are submitted to arbitration by academic peers.

4. Bibliographical review: It should present an objective statement on the content of an article or book published maximum two years before the presentation of the review. This exhibition must be related to issues in the field of knowledge addressed by the Journal and must explicitly make a critical analysis. Reviews are received only in Spanish. It can be requested by the editorial team of the Journal and it evaluates and decides on its publication.

5. Special edition: It is an edition composed of research or reflection articles that were presented as works in academic events, whose themes are inscribed in the field of knowledge addressed by the Journal. These will be evaluated and selected under the same parameters with which those that are presented for a regular edition are judged.

Note for articles presented in a language other than Spanish:
The author (s) commit themselves, once the article is approved, to submit it to correction of style by a professional proofreader who has certifications for it.


1. Original: The articles must be original, unpublished and not submitted to any other kind of publication. This requirement will be verified through the platform Turnitin. When the article is the result of a thesis, it must be removed from the repository of the respective university or the content of the article must have less than 20% similarity, in addition it must have an explanatory quote that its content is the product of the author's investigation. Once received in the magazine, it cannot be removed from the process nor being sent to other publishers.

2. Letter of responsibility: In an independent file (pdf) and to the e-mail of, the letter of responsibility should be sent with the following content: "I (We) name of the author or authors, declare that the article title of article presents original results, that it has not been published nor is being considered for publication in another journal, and that it is adjusted to international ethical standards of intellectual property and authorship". In order to guarantee the veracity of the information, it is requested to include an electronic or scanned signature and the national identification number of each of the authors, in addition to a copy of the national identification document.

3. Extension: The texts corresponding to the modalities described above, with the exception of the reviews, must have a maximum length of 7,000 words (including tables, figures, notes and bibliographic references). Attachments are not allowed. The reviews will have a maximum length of 1,500 words. The text must be written in Word, presented in letter size, with margins lower and upper 2.5 cm and left and right 3 cm, font Times New Roman to 12 points, line spacing of 1.5, without additional spacing. The pages must be numbered.

4. Graphic content: (photos, collages, drawings, rendes, maps, charts, tables, graphs) must be numbered consecutively according to their type and order of appearance and must be duly referenced in the text. Do not exceed 5 elements per article and indicate the approximate location in the document, as it relates to the written content. A caption should be included associated with each graphic element within the document. The source or reference of each element should be included and attached to the system (OJS) in separate files.

Figures (photographs, collages, drawings, renderings, maps and plans) must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF only, minimum 300 DPI. Tables and figures should be prepared and submitted in Excel and / or Word, considering that these are diagrammed according to the journal style. In all cases should be considered, for the proper understanding of graphic information, that the printed version of the magazine is published in grayscale, while the digital version is in color. It is desirable to submit, in a separate file, a complete list of the graphic content. If including reproduction of text or graphic elements published elsewhere, the author(s) must be authorized in writing by the respective publisher and author, the absence of such permits will result in rejection of this information.


-In the event that the images show minors, their face should not appear.
-Any image that is not the author's must have the copyright letter.

5. Title: it must be short, the upper limit is eight words, it is allowed to add a shorter subtitle. The tile should be presented into Spanish, English and Portuguese. An abbreviation or footnote call will show the article origin (financed investigation, thesis, etc).

6. Keywords or descriptors: Three to five descriptors taken from the Unesco Thesaurus that should be presented in the four required languages (Spanish -Palabras claves-, English -Keywords-, Portuguese -Palavras-chave-, French -Mots-clés-).

7. Author(s) information: Neither the text nor the file should include any reference to the identity of the author(s) or their affiliation. This rule corresponds to the application of the double-blind system addressing to protect anonymity between author(s) and referees, and even among the latter in order to avoid bias in the evaluation. Author(s) information will be requested by the check-in support system of the magazine (OJS), the system will request a biographical resume from each author (80 words length) that be included in the publication.

The biographical summary should include the following information: Institutional affiliation, institutional email, ORCID, link CV Academic and Brief academic profile of each of the authors.

8. Abstract: it must be written at the beginning of the paper up to 200 words, no footnotes. It must be presented in Spanish (resumen), Portuguese (resumo), French (abstrait) and English. It is recommended that the abstract respond briefly to the following topics: questions to be answered in the paper, assumed theoretic perspective, methods, main findings and conclusions.

9. Footnotes: They must be explanatory and contain author(s) comments and extensions only. They may not exceed 60 words per note. They must be numbered and included at the end of each page. Footnotes of biographical nature will not be included; these must be within the text (APA style, sixth edition).


10. Cites (quotes and references): they should be simplified within the text, according to APA sixth edition standards. Page indication is optional except for quotations: if they’re lower than 40 words length they must be quoted within the paragraph. If larger than 40 words length, they should be included in separate paragraph, indented in a minor font size without quotation marks

11. Abbreviations, acronyms or abbreviations: a list must be included after the reference list.

12. Academic information: It should be sent via email ( following the form that will be sent to the author(s) once their work is fully received. As a minimum it must contain full names, profession and last title obtained, institutional affiliation and institutional mail.

13. Selection of the works: The recommendation of a text as publishable requires the favorable evaluation of at least two arbitrators, whose collaboration with the Journal is governed by the rules of arbitration. In case of discrepancy, the work will be submitted to a third evaluator to obtain an statement that allows such recommendation.

When the arbitrators consider that the work needs adjustments to be able to define its recommendation, the corresponding annotations will be sent to the author so that he/she can proceed in this respect.

The editorial team decides the final approval of the works in accordance with the result of the referees' evaluation, with the strict compliance with all the rules presented here, the relationship of the work with the theme convened for the edition and / or the thematic scope of the Journal, as well as for reasons of conjuncture and exogamy.

As soon as the Journal has the decision about the works, the authors will be notified. Thus, as the case may be, The editorial team will proceed to communicate to the author (s) the status of the work and initiate its processing for publication in the affirmative case. In case of rejection, the team will notify the author (s) of the reasons that prevent the publication of his work.

14. Procedure for submitting papers: The text and illustrations of the work must be sent through the digital support system of the Journal (ojs), after registration of the author (s) on the website http: // www (top menu, Register tab). Once the author (s) has been identified as user (s) in the system, they must upload the text and their illustrations in independent files and the letter of Responsibility, according to the format presented above. The author must enter through the top menu, tab About, to the Item New submisision. To obtain the status of received, the work will be subject to a review regarding the strict compliance with these requirements and those related to the extension. After that, the author (s) will be informed. Once the work is received to satisfaction, the author (s) must complete a form with their academic data.

15. Correction of proofs: the authors of the approved works compromise to answer questions derived from the correction of style within a maximum period of five days after their reception. The original text can not be modified substantially in the proof correction, the review by the author must be limited to rectification of errors and omissions.

16. Free copies: authors interested in obtaining a copy of courtesy should approach the office 106 of the building SINDU on the campus of the National University of Colombia, prior communication with the Editorial Team of the Magazine.


The list of references should include only those sources that fall directly to the subject submitted to the Journal: only include works cited in the text. When citing more than one publication by the same author, references should be arranged in chronological order. If publications by the same author are also the same year, use letters in alphabetical order next to the date to differentiate both in the text and in the references.

References must be presented at the end of each article, with a maximum of 25 references presented according to APA sixth edition standards:

1. Single author book:

CASTELBLANCO Caicedo, D. Z. (2010).Los relatos del objeto urbano. Una reflexión sobre las formas de habitar el espacio público. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

2. Two to seven authors book:

TORRES Tovar, C. A. & GARCÍA, J. J. (2011). Suelo urbano y vivienda social en Bogotá. La primacía del mercado y el sacrificio del interés general, 1990-2010. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

3. Over eight authors book:

Start with the six first authors followed by an ellipsis and then the last author as follow:

TORRES, C. A., GAVIRIA, A., ZÚÑIGA, D., VARGAS, J. E., NIETO, D. F., BUSTOS, S. P.,…LUENGAS, L. (2009). Ciudad informal colombiana: barrios construidos por la gente. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

4. Publication with no authors:

If the publication has no author but editors or compilers include the names and parentheses (ed.) or (comp.) as applicable:

YORY, C. M. (Ed.). (2008). Pensando en clave de hábitat. Una búsqueda por algo más que un techo. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

5. Book chapter:

VALENZUELA, J. A., PÉRGOLIS, J. C. (2009). La protagonista es la ciudad, no su sistema de transporte. En Montezuma, R. (Ed.), Más que un metro para Bogotá. Complementar la movilidad. Bogotá: Fundación ciudad humana, Editorial Universidad del Rosario.

6. Journal article:

MARENGO, C. & ELORZA, A. L. (2010). Calidad de vida y políticas de hábitat. Programa de Mejoramiento Barrial en Córdoba, Argentina. Caso de estudio: barrio Malvinas Argentinas. Bitácora Urbano - Territorial, 2(17), 79-94.

7. World Wide Web (WWW) and electronic texts:

BORRERO, O.& DURÁN, E.(2010). Efectos de las políticas de suelo en los precios de terrenos urbanos sin desarrollar en Colombia. Los casos de Bogotá, Medellín y Pereira. Consultado en Borrero Spanish Final.pdf


Citation rules would depend on the editor publishing the work where the quote is included. Always quote the author, title, journal´s name (BITÁCORA URBANO\TERRITORIAL), year, volume and city (Bogotá). As suggested recommendation using APA standards, described above.

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.