

Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution

Propiedades estadísticas y diferentes métodos de estimación de la distribución de Rayleigh transmutada



Transmuted Rayleigh distribution, Hazard Rate Function, Conditional Moments, Order Statistics, Parameter Estimation (en)
Momentos distributivos, Estadísticas de orden, La estimación de parámetros, Riesgo de tipo de función, Rayleigh transmutada. (es)



  • Sanku Dey Anthony´s College
  • Enayetur Raheem University of Northern Colorado
  • Saikat Mukherjee NIT Meghalaya
This article addresses the various properties and different methods of estimation of the unknown parameters of the Transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribution from the frequentist point of view. Although, our main focus is on estimation from frequentist point of view,  yet, various mathematical and statistical properties of the TR distribution (such as quantiles, moments, moment generating function, conditional moments,  hazard rate, mean residual lifetime, mean past lifetime,  mean deviation about mean and median, the stochastic ordering,  various entropies, stress-strength parameter  and order statistics) are derived.  We briefly describe different frequentist methods of estimation approaches, namely, maximum likelihood estimators, moments estimators, L-moment estimators, percentile based estimators, least squares estimators, method of maximum product of spacings,  method of Cram\'er-von-Mises, methods of Anderson-Darling and right-tail Anderson-Darling and compare them using extensive numerical simulations. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation for both small and large samples. Finally, the potentiality of the model is analyzed by means of two real data sets which is further illustrated by obtaining bias and standard error of the estimates and the bootstrap percentile confidence intervals using bootstrap resampling.

Este artículo se aborda las varias propiedades y diferentes métodos para la estimación de los desconocidos parámetros de Transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribución desde el punto de vista de un frequentist. Aunque la tema principal de este artículo es estimación, varias propiedades matemáticas y estadísticas de TR distribución (como cuantiles, momentos, una función que genera momentos, momentos condicionales, la tasa de peligro, la media vida residual, media vida pasada, la desviación media por media y mediana, organización stochastic, entropías varias, parámetros de tensión-fuerza y estadisticas de orden) están derivadas. Describimos brevemente los diferentes métodos de estimación, como máxima probabilidad, método de momentos, estimacién basada por percentil, mínimos cuadrados, método de máximos productos de espacios, el método de Cramér-von-Mises, los métodos de Anderson-Darling y right-tail Anderson-Darling, y compararlos con extensos estudios de simulaciones. Por último, la potencialidad del modelo está estudiando con dos conjuntos de datos reales. El margen de error, el promedio de error de las estimaciones y el percentage bootstrap de los confianza intervalos estan derivido por bootstrap remuestro.

Statistical Properties and Different Methods of Estimation of Transmuted Rayleigh Distribution

Propiedades estadísticas y diferentes métodosde estimación de la distribución de Rayleigh transmutada


1St. Anthony's College, Department or Statistics, Shillong, India. PhD. Email:
2University of Northern Colorado, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, Greeley, USA. PhD. Email:
3NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India. PhD. Email:


This article addresses various properties and different methods of estimation of the unknown Transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribution parameters from a frequentist point of view. Although our main focus is on estimation, various mathematical and statistical properties of the TR distribution (such as quantiles, moments, moment generating function, conditional moments, hazard rate, mean residual lifetime, mean past lifetime, mean deviation about mean and median, the stochastic ordering, various entropies, stress-strength parameter, and order statistics) are derived. We briefly describe different methods of estimation such as maximum likelihood, method of moments, percentile based estimation, least squares, method of maximum product of spacings, method of Cramér-von-Mises, methods of Anderson-Darling and right-tail Anderson-Darling, and compare them using extensive simulations studies. Finally, the potentiality of the model is studied using two real data sets. Bias, standard error of the estimates, and bootstrap percentile confidence intervals are obtained by bootstrap resampling.

Key words: Distributional Moments, Order Statistics, Parameter Estimation; Rate Risk Function, Rayleigh Distribution, Transmuted Rayleigh Distribution.


Este artículo se aborda las varias propiedades y diferentes métodos para la estimación de los desconocidos parámetros de Transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribución desde el punto de vista de un frequentist. Aunque la tema principal de este artículo es estimación, varias propiedades matemáticas y estadísticas de TR distribución (como cuantiles, momentos, una función que genera momentos, momentos condicionales, la tasa de peligro, la media vida residual, media vida pasada, la desviación media por media y mediana, organización stochastic, entropías varias, parámetros de tensión-fuerza y estadisticas de orden) están derivadas. Describimos brevemente los diferentes métodos de estimación, como máxima probabilidad, método de momentos, estimacién basada por percentil, mínimos cuadrados, método de máximos productos de espacios, el método de Cramér-von-Mises, los métodos de Anderson-Darling y right-tail Anderson-Darling, y compararlos con extensos estudios de simulaciones. Por último, la potencialidad del modelo está estudiando con dos conjuntos de datos reales. El margen de error, el promedio de error de las estimaciones y el percentage bootstrap de los confianza intervalos estan derivido por bootstrap remuestro.

Palabras clave: momentos distributivos, estadísticas de orden, la estimación de parámetros, riesgo de tipo de función, rayleigh transmutada.

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9. Cordeiro, G. M., Ortega, E. M. M. & Popovi\'c, Bo\vzidar V (2014), 'The gammalinear failure rate distribution: theory and applications', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84(11), 2408-2426.

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12. Dey, S. & Das, M. K. (2007), 'A note on prediction interval for a Rayleigh distribution: Bayesian approach', American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science 12, 43-48.

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19. Johnson, N. L., Kotz, S. & Balakrishnan, N. (1995), Continuous univariate distributions, Wiley, New York.

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36. Nadarajah, S., Cordeiro, G. M. & Ortega, E. M. (2013), 'The exponentiated weibull distribution: a survey', Statistical Papers 54(3), 839-877.

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42. Salinas, H. S., Iriarte, Y. A. & Bolfarine, H. (2015), 'Slashed exponentiated rayleigh distribution', Revista Colombiana de Estadística 38(2), 453-466.

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50. Teimouri, M., Hoseini, S. M. & Nadarajah, S. (2013), 'Comparison of estimation methods for the Weibull distribution', Statistics 47(1), 93-109.

51. Tian, Y., Tian, M. & Zhu, Q. (2014), 'Transmuted Linear Exponential Distribution: A New Generalization of the Linear Exponential Distribution', Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43(10), 2661-2677.

52. Tsarouhas, P. & Arvanitoyannis, I. (2007), 'Reliability and maintainability analysis of bread production line', Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 50, 327-343.

53. Woosley, R. & Cossman, J. (2007), 'Drug development and the FDAs critical path initiative', Public policy 81, 129-133.

[Recibido en marzo de 2016. Aceptado en noviembre de 2016]

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    AUTHOR  = {Dey, Sanku and Raheem, Enayetur and Mukherjee, Saikat},
    TITLE   = {{Statistical Properties and Different Methods of Estimation of Transmuted Rayleigh Distribution}},
    JOURNAL = {Revista Colombiana de Estadística},
    YEAR    = {2017},
    volume  = {40},
    number  = {1},
    pages   = {165-203}


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Alkasasbeh, M. R. & Raqab, M. Z. (2009a), ‘Estimation of the generalized logistic distribution parameters: Comparative study’, Statistical Methodology 6(3), 262–279.

Alkasasbeh, M. R. & Raqab, M. Z. (2009b), ‘Estimation of the generalized logistic distribution parameters: Comparative study’, Statistical Methodology 6(3), 262–279.

Anderson, T. W. & Darling, D. A. (1952), ‘Asymptotic Theory of Certain "Goodness of Fit" Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes’.

Anderson, T. W. & Darling, D. A. (1954), ‘A test of goodness-of-fit’, Journal of the American Statistical Association 49, 765–769.

Casella, G. & Berger, R. L. (1990), Statistical Inference, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, California.

Cheng, R. C. H. & Amin, N. A. K. (1979), Maximum product of spacings estimation with applications to the lognormal distribution, Technical report, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales.

Cheng, R. C. H. & Amin, N. A. K. (1983), ‘Estimating Parameters in Continuous Univariate Distributions with a Shifted Origin’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 45(3), 394–403.

Cordeiro, G. M., Ortega, E. M. M. & Popovic, B. V. (2014), ‘The gammalinear failure rate distribution: theory and applications’, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84(11), 2408–2426.

Delignette-Muller, M. & Dutang, C. (2014), ‘fitdistrplus: An R Package for Fitting Distributions’, Journal of Statistical Software 64(4), 1–34.

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Dey, S. & Das, M. K. (2007), ‘A note on prediction interval for a Rayleigh distribution: Bayesian approach’, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science 12, 43–48.

Dey, S., Dey, T. & Kundu, D. (2014), ‘Two-parameter Rayleigh distribution: Different methods of estimation’, American Journal of Math- ematical and Management Sciences 33, 55–74.

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Woosley, R. & Cossman, J. (2007), ‘Drug development and the FDAs critical path initiative’, Public policy 81, 129–133.

How to Cite


Dey, S., Raheem, E. and Mukherjee, S. (2017). Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 40(1), 165–203.


Dey, S., Raheem, E. and Mukherjee, S. 2017. Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Revista Colombiana de Estadística. 40, 1 (Jan. 2017), 165–203. DOI:


Dey, S.; Raheem, E.; Mukherjee, S. Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Rev. colomb. estad. 2017, 40, 165-203.


DEY, S.; RAHEEM, E.; MUKHERJEE, S. Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, [S. l.], v. 40, n. 1, p. 165–203, 2017. DOI: 10.15446/rce.v40n1.56153. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 apr. 2024.


Dey, Sanku, Enayetur Raheem, and Saikat Mukherjee. 2017. “Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution”. Revista Colombiana De Estadística 40 (1):165-203.


Dey, S., Raheem, E. and Mukherjee, S. (2017) “Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution”, Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 40(1), pp. 165–203. doi: 10.15446/rce.v40n1.56153.


S. Dey, E. Raheem, and S. Mukherjee, “Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution”, Rev. colomb. estad., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 165–203, Jan. 2017.


Dey, S., E. Raheem, and S. Mukherjee. “Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution”. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, vol. 40, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 165-03, doi:10.15446/rce.v40n1.56153.


Dey, Sanku, Enayetur Raheem, and Saikat Mukherjee. “Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution”. Revista Colombiana de Estadística 40, no. 1 (January 1, 2017): 165–203. Accessed April 19, 2024.


Dey S, Raheem E, Mukherjee S. Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Rev. colomb. estad. [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Apr. 19];40(1):165-203. Available from:

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2. Mahendra Saha, Harsh Tripathi, Sanku Dey. (2021). Single and double acceptance sampling plans for truncated life tests based on transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 38(5), p.356.

3. Sanku Dey, Fernando A. Moala, Devendra Kumar. (2018). Statistical properties and different methods of estimation of Gompertz distribution with application. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 21(5), p.839.

4. Sajid ALİ, Sanku DEY, M H TAHİR, Muhammad MANSOOR. (2020). A comparison of different methods of estimation for the Flexible Weibull distribution. Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics, , p.794.

5. Sanku Dey, Sajid Ali, Devendra Kumar. (2020). Weighted inverted Weibull distribution: Properties and estimation. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 23(5), p.843.

6. Mazen Nassar, Ahmed Z. Afify, Sanku Dey, Devendra Kumar. (2018). A new extension of Weibull distribution: Properties and different methods of estimation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 336, p.439.

7. Harsh Tripathi, Mahendra Saha, Soumik Halder. (2023). Single acceptance sampling inspection plan based on transmuted Rayleigh distribution. Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, 12(2), p.111.

8. Abhimanyu Singh Yadav, Shivanshi Shukla, Amrita Kumari. (2022). Statistical Inference for Truncated Inverse Lomax Distribution and its Application to Survival Data. Annals of Data Science, 9(4), p.829.

9. Ahtasham Gul, Muhammad Mohsin, Muhammad Adil, Mansoor Ali, Feng Chen. (2021). A modified truncated distribution for modeling the heavy tail, engineering and environmental sciences data. PLOS ONE, 16(4), p.e0249001.


11. Sajid Ali, Jehan Ara, Ismail Shah. (2022). A comparison of different parameter estimation methods for exponentially modified Gaussian distribution. Afrika Matematika, 33(2)

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