About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Colombian Journal of Statistics publishes original articles in English and Spanish language about theoretical, technical, methodological, and educational subjects in any branch of statistics. Purely theoretical papers should include illustration of the techniques presented with real data or at least simulation experiments in order to verify the usefulness of the contents presented. It also considers divulgation articles on statistical methodologies or techniques applied in different fields of knowledge, as well as review articles.

The Editorial Committee assumes that the works submitted for evaluation have not been previously published and are not being given simultaneously for publication elsewhere, and will not be without prior consent of the Committee, unless, as a result of the assessment, decides not publish in the journal. It is further assumed that when the authors deliver a document for publication in the Colombian Journal of Statistics, they know the above conditions and agree with them https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/estad/index.


Peer Review Process

All articles are first reviewed by the Editorial Committee and afterwards assigned to specialized referees, which follows a double-blind process. The authors do not know the identities of the reviewers, and the referees do not know the names of the authors. Yet the editor is not blinded. Authors are solely responsible for removing clues about their identities, including references to unpublished work and sources of funding, from their manuscripts and supporting documents. The Editorial Committee decides whether to accept or deny articles, based on the review process. Number of reviewers: 2, if the concepts are opposites is assigned a third party. Review Criteria: content and form of artíclo. average review time: 20 weeks. Principles to select peer reviewers: mastery of the subject and language.

Publication Frequency

Revista Colombiana de Estadística is a biannual (January and July) publication

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of making research freely available to the public and support a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá)

Reviewer Guidelines

1. Is the title of the article clear and consistent with the content?
2. Is this contribution in your opinion relevant to the field?
3. Is the article well written, has the right contents and an appropriate extension?
4. Is all the citet literature relevant?
5. Should this article, in your opinion, be a) accepted, b) accepted with minor corrections, c) accepted with mayor corrections, d) rejected 
6. Do you have other comments or  suggestions for the authors (spelling, grammar, article structure, notation)?

The Revista Colombiana de Estadística (RevColEs) is a peer-reviewed journal that appears twice a year and is published by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The published subjects are statistics and its applications, learning in statistics and history of statistics. More information available at