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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or previously sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to / to the editor).
  • The uploaded file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Web addresses have been added to the references where possible.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements listed in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a section of the journal peer-reviewed, you must make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The Journal publishes papers in the following categories: 1) Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure usually contains four major contributions: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. 2) Reflections article. Document presenting finished research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, on a specific topic, using original sources. 3) Review article. Document results of completed research which analyzed, systematized and integrated published or unpublished research results, in order to render an account of the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful literature review of at least 50 references. 

It is necessary to register and identify yourself to be able to send articles online and to check the status of shipments. If you do not have a username / password on the HiSTOReLo platform. Check here

Articles submitted for publication must be original and they cannot have been previously sent to any other journal. Original manuscripts will pass through an editorial process with various stages. First, articles will be subjected to a preliminary evaluation carried out by the members of the Editorial Committee and the Director and/or Editor, who will determine the relevance of the publication. Once it is established that the article fulfills all theme-related requisites, as well as all formal requisites indicated in the guidelines, it will be sent to two external academic peers, who will anonymously determine whether the article should be a) Accepted for publication, b) Accepted with changes, c) Rejected.

In case of a discrepancy between the results, the text will be sent to a third referee, whose decision will define its publication, said decision will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee of the journal, which has the last word to approve or not the publication of the article. The evaluation also has a quantitative element, and that criterion generates an order of priority for acceptance or rejection. In this sense, the best evaluated texts in qualitative and quantitative terms will be selected. The journal publishes up to seven articles per issue. The results of the review process will be final in all cases. The authors will be free to look for publication in another journal after the verdict is given.

Afterwards, the selected authors must make a commitment to respond reasonably to the reviewers' comments, either incorporating the suggestions, observations, corrections, etc., and explaining the reasons why they do not accept some of them. In addition, incorporate the technical guidelines for writing and final presentation offered by the editor of the journal.

HiSTOReLo was founded by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Asociación Colombiana de Historia Regional y Local in 2008. Currently, it is governed by Agreement CF-64 of 2018 (Act 19 of October 9) of the Faculty of Human and Economic Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Medellin Campus.

The Journal submits all articles to the plagiarism detection tool. When content duplication is totally or partially detected, without the corresponding citation, the article is rejected and the author is notified. As it is a peer-reviewed publication, the journal receives, reviews and sends the papers to the opinion of the Editorial Committee, on whose criteria their publication depends.

Articles should fulfill the following requirements:

1. The authors should send in separate document the following information: full name, author’s profession, academic titles (Ph.D., Masters, or other), institutional affiliation or place of current work, email address and, if the article being a product of research, information on the project to which it belongs (the name of the project and the institution which finances it), maximum 3 authors by article accepted.

2. The manuscript proposed that is sent, must not include any of the above data.

3. They should be written in Word format, in Times New Roman font, 12 points, double spaced, page numbered, and on letter-size pages.

4. They should have 2.5 cm margins on each side: top, bottom, left, and right.

5. The text can be the range between 7000 and 10000 words, including abstracts and keywords. The bibliography, photographs, maps, charts, illustrations and tables are counted separately. The footnotes should be done in Times New Roman 10 font, in 1.5 line spacing.

6.  The article should have an Abstract in Spanish, not longer than 200 words, with its respective translation in English. The Title of the text should also be presented in both languages. We require that this information be registered on the article submission form.

7. There should be between three and six key words which identify the article, in English as well as in Spanish. We require that both sets of words be included in the article submission form. The keywords should reflect the content of the document, which is why it is necessary that they indicate the precise themes of the article, recovering the areas of knowledge in which the article is found, and the main concepts. It is recommended that the author (or authors) review(s) the terms and hierarchies established on the bibliographical lists (THESAURUS), and that he/she/they check that the title, abstracts, and keywords match.

8. The article must be written in a style which is comprehensible for audiences from different academic disciplines.

9. HiSTOReLo uses the author-date style format of the Chicago Manual of Style for presenting citations and references included in the article. The authors should keep in mind the details on punctuation (commas, periods, colons, parenthesis, etecetera.) which the style demands, as well as the information it requires. The bibliographical list should include the references which have been cited within the text (to a 1:1ratio), numbered, and in alphabetical order. The examples which show the differences between the form for citing within the text (T), and the form for citing on the references list (R), are presented in the following examples:

A book with one author

T: (Ginzburg 1986)

R: Ginzburg, Carlo. 1986. El queso y los gusanos. Barcelona: Muchnik Editores.


A book with Editor, coordinator, compiler

T: (Burke1993)
R: Burke, Peter, ed. 1993. Formas de hacer historia. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


T: (Martínez y Estrada 2009, 18)
R: Martínez Neira, Christian, y Marco Estrada Saavedra. 2009. Introducción a Las disputas por la etnicidad en América Latina: movilizaciones indígenas en Chiapas y Araucanía, 9-20. Santiago de Chile: USACH.


A book with two or three authors

T: (Deschamps y Pérez 1974, 86-95)

R: Deschamps Chapeaux, Pedro, y Juan Pérez de la Riva. 1974. Contribución a la historia de la gente sin historia. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.


Four or more authors

T: (Wabgou et al. 2012, 85)

R: Wabgou, Maguemati, Jaime Arocha Rodríguez, Aiden José Salgado Cassiani, y Juan Alberto Carabali Ospina. 2012. Movimiento social afrocolombiano, negro, raizal y palenquero: el largo camino hacia la construcción de espacios comunes y alianzas estratégicas para la incidencia política en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


A book with anonymous author

T: (True and Sincere Declaration 1610) o (True 1610)

R: A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath Received, and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced. 1610. London.


Chapter of a book:

T: (Contreras 2016, 158-160)

R: Contreras Cruces, Hugo. 2016. “Los artesanos del siglo XVIII en la historiografía chilena”. En Pensar la historia del trabajo y los trabajadores en América, siglos XVIII-XIX, editado por Sonia Pérez y Sergio Solano, 141-162. Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert.


Jornal article

T: (Nahuelpan y Antimil 2019, 212-238)

R: Nahuelpan Moreno, Hector Javier, y Jaime Antimil Caniupan. 2019. “Colonialismo republicano, violencia y subordinación racial mapuche en Chile durante el siglo XX”. HiSTOReLo. Revista de Historia Regional y Local 11 (21): 211-248.


Newspaper article

T: (Meikle 2015)

R: Meikle, James. 2015. “Nearly 75% of Men and 65% of Women in UK to Be Overweight by 2030—Study”. Guardian (UK edition). May 5.

If a newpapers article is unsigned, the title of the newpapers stands in place of the author. 

T: (New York Times 2002)

R: New York Times. 2002. “In Texas, Ad Heats Up Race for Governor”. July 30.


Thesis or dissertation

T: (Molina Castaño 2013)

R: Molina Castaño, Juan David. 2013. “Tumbas de indignos: Cementerios no católicos en Colombia, 1825-1991”. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín.


Documents found on the internet

T: (Carrillo 2019)

R: Carrillo Maldonado, Paul. 2019. Caracterización de la demanda laboral en el Ecuador con información administrativa. Santiago de Chile: CEPAL.


Institutional document

T: (CEPAL 2019)

R: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). 2019. Planes de igualdad de género en América Latina y el Caribe: mapas de ruta para el desarrollo. Observatorio de Igualdad de Género en América Latina y el Caribe. Santiago de Chile.


Presentations of papers

T: (Betancourt 2017)

R: Betancourt Mendieta, Alexander. 2017. “Jaime Jaramillo Uribe y la renovación historiográfica en América Latina a mediados del siglo XX”. Ponencia presentada en el XVIII Congreso Colombiano de Historia, 10-14 de octubre, Medellín, Colombia.


Archive Source

T: “Document Name”, place, date, and other pertinent data (if applicable), in Archive Abbreviation, Section, Fund, vol./leg./t., f. o ff. The first time it is quoted the full name of the Archive is mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis, followed by City-Country.
R: Full name of the Archive (abbreviation), City-Country, Section(s), Fund(s).


Legal document

T: República de Colombia, Ministerio del Interior, “Carta del Ministro de Hacienda al embajador de la República de Panamá”, Bogotá, 5 de abril de 1910.

R: It is not recommended to include legal documents in the list of references.


Interviews and personal communications

T: Juana García (profesora de universidad), entrevistado por el autor, 20 de marzo de 2019.

R: It is not recommended to include interviews that have not been published in the list of references.


T: (Coolidge [1920?])
R: Coolidge, Calvin. [1920?] “Equal Rights” (speech). In “American
Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, 1918–
1920”. Library of Congress. Copy of an undated 78 rpm disc, Real Audio and WAV formarts, 3:45.

T: (Holiday 1958)
R: Holiday, Billie. 1958. “I’m a fool to want you”. By Joel Herron, Frank Sinatra, and Jack Wolf. Recorded February 20, 1958, with Ray Ellis. Track 1 on Lady in Satin, Columbia CL 1157, 33 1/3 rpm.

T: (Pink Floyd 1970)
R: Pink Floyd. 1970. Atom heart mother. Capitol CDP 7 463812, 1990, CD.

T: (Weingartner 1936)
R: Weingartner, Felix von, conductor. 1936. 150 Jahre Wiener Philharmoniker. Preiser Records PR90113 (mono), 1992, CD. Includes Beethoven’s Symphony no. 3 in E-flat Major and Symphony no. 8 in F Major.

R: Michael Curtis and Gregory S. Malins, “The one with the Princess Leia fantasy”, Friends, season 3, episode 1, directed by Gail Mancuso, aired September 19, 1996 (Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2003), DVD.

R: “Crop duster attack”, North by Northwest, directed by Alfred Hitchcock (1959; Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2000), DVD.

R: Cleese, John, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. “Commentaries”. Disc 2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, special ed. DVD. Directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones. Culver City, CA: Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, 2001.

R: Handel, George Frideric. Messiah. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Chorus, Robert Shaw. Performed December 19, 1987. Ansonia Station, NY: Video Artists International, 1988. Videocassette (VHS), 141 min.

Tables and references should be presented while taking the following indications into account:



It is recommended not to use a large number of tables. Each table should be presented on a separate page at the end of the text and should have the following heading:

Table 1. Title of the table

The numbering of the tables should be consecutive. It is necessary to indicate within the text the spot where each table should be placed. This instruction is presented in parenthesis in the following way:

{Insert Table 1 here}


A moderate use of tables is also recommended. The information which is presented in the tables and the figures should not be the same. The figures should be clear and legible. Color figures are not acceptable. These should be presented on a separate page at the end of the text and should have the following heading:

Figure 1. Title of the figure

The numbering of the figures should be consecutive. It is necessary to indicate within the text the spot where the each figure should be placed. This instruction is presented in parenthesis in the following way:

                                        {Insert Figure 1 here}

If the authors want to highlight words or phrases in the text, they should use cursive.

When acronyms or abbreviations are used, first note the complete equivalency followed by the corresponding acronym or abbreviation, and then use just the respective acronym or abbreviation.

When transcribed verbatim texts of more than three lines should be in Times New Roman size 10 inch and run a text into the text block above.


If an author is repeated in the list of references, from the second reference the name of this must be repeated, and they must be organized by year in ascending order.

If there are two references within the text, they must be separated with a semicolon:

T: (Mill 1996; Melo 1989, 40)

If there are several references to the same author, they are separated with commas, and if they have pages, they are separated with a semicolon:

T: (Foucault 1975, 1976; Mill 1996)

T: (Foucault 1975, 128; 1976, 58; Mill 1996)


If there is an author with two or more published works from the same year, distinguish with letter a, b, c, etc.:

T: (Brown 1994a, 80; 1994b)

If words or phrases are to be highlighted in the text, use italics and specify if it is the emphasis of the original or the author.

When acronyms or abbreviations are used, first note the complete equivalence followed by the corresponding acronym or abbreviation in parentheses, and then use only the respective acronym or abbreviation.

When texts of more than three lines are transcribed literally, it must be done in 11 point Times New Roman font, with an indentation of 1 cm only on the left side and space and a half spacing. It is especially recommended for non-printed primary sources and to reference the original source with a footnote.

In case of intervening in the transcription, three ellipsis must be marked in square brackets, as follows: [...], before or after the text.

The hyphen in the body of the text must be the length (-).

References to primary sources in footnotes, which are repeated consecutively, should not be replaced by the word “ibid”, instead the full reference should be listed. In no case is op. cit., ibid. or ibidem.

Section Policies


Texts on research results.


These documents are critical readings of recent writings, which must be located in a recent historiographical context. The extension of a critical review should be between 1000 and 2000 words.


These are critical, analytical or interpretive positions on documents published in the Journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee are an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.


Document results of completed research which analyzed, systematized and integrated published or unpublished research results, in order to render an account of the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful literature review of at least 50 references.


Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure usually contains four major contributions: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. 


Document presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to present the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. Includes commented systematic review of the literature on similar cases


Reflections on theoretical, historiographical and methodological issues with local and regional emphasis.


Offers titles recently published texts related to regional or local history, and books that theoretical, methodological or historiographical

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this project and are not available for any other purpose or person.institutional Support