Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The maximum manuscript length is 25 pages, US Letter, double-spaced, with a 2.5 cm margin at each side of the text. Additionally, the font should be Times New Roman, size 12.
The manuscript should include each and every figure, table and appendix in the corresponding section.
Authors shall send the original file in which the figures and tables were elaborated (e.g., .xls, .jpg, .tiff). Additionally, authors should double-check that in the case of the tables, each column has a title, and in the case of the figures the axes are clearly defined.
It is important that authors send side by side with the manuscript the next declaration of originality with the corresponding signatures and all the fields filled.
(City and Date)
Editor- Colombian Journal of Psychology
Universidad Nacional de Colombia- Sede Bogotá.
Cordial greetings,
This letter is to submit the article titled “____________________________” to be published in the Colombian Journal of Psychology, a Journal of the Department of Psychology at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The information of the contact author are the following:
Name: __________________________
Email: __________________________
Phone (including area code): __________________________
Country: _________________________
As an author of the article “________________________________”, I manifest that this an original work, that it has not been published, or it is not being reviewed in another journal. I also, understand that to withdraw this article from the review process, I must send a written request to the editor and this will be effective by means of a written answer to the request.
Contact author signature and date.
Additionally, it is necessary that authors send side by side with the manuscript the declaration of ethics principles and the declaration of conflict of interest.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The Revista Colombiana de Psicología (RCP) accepts the Deodontological and Bioethical Code of the Colombian Psychological Association ( and the APA ethics code as ethical standards ( for research and publication.
According to APA policy, practices that violate the following principles are considered ethic violations and cases of publication malpractice: (a) Providing imprecise or false information in order to obtain institutional approval for research; (b) Obtaining primary data for research and publication without informed consent (see 3.10, 8.02, 8.03, 8.05 of the APA ́s ethic code for details); make clear to subjects and take steps to protect them from negative consequences of declining or withdrawing from research. (d) Participation must be voluntary and in academic settings alternative options for extracredit must be offered; (e) Participants must be informed of research goals, and deception techniques only should be used when justified by the significance of the research, and when there are not alternative options to reach the same goals. Deception cannot be used anytime when participation in the research study can cause harm to participants. Participants must be informed of the right to withdraw before the end of the study. (f) Researcher must provide opportunities for participants to know the results and conclusions of the studies they were part of, except cases in which that information can harm them (g) animal research must comply with legal and ethical standards; this research must be conducted by properly trained staff and must avoid to cause unnecessary harm, discomfort or pain to the animals. (h) Fabricating data is an ethical violation. (i) Plagiarism is a publication malpractice and contradicts research ethics: psychologists do not presents other people ́s work as their own (even when cited occasionally), nor do they use other people ́s data without permission. (k) Psychologist only gets credit, including authorship, for works they have conducted and to which they have contributed substantially. Credit is granted in direct relationship with the authors contribution, and is independent of institutional status. For this reason, a student must be listed as the first author of a work with multiple authors, that is the product of its doctoral dissertation. For lower academic degrees, APA does not point out specifics, but it indicates that the authorship order must be discussed with students as early as possible (see 8.12). (l) Previously published data must be presented as so, and properly cited. "Psychologist does not publish as original data, data that has been previously published". When the same data is published more than once, this fact needs to be acknowledged properly. (m) Data must be available for results to be verified (see 8.14). (n) Reviewers of material submitted for publication or other academic(al) or funding purposes must respect confidentiality, intellectual and property rights, and authorship related to that information (see 8.15). As a policy of RCP, accepted authors must sign a document warranting the compliance with these principles, prior to the publication of any article.
I, ____________________________________, certify that the elaboration of this article, titled ______________________________________, was conducted according to the ethic principles established by the APA ( and by the Deodontological and Bioethical Code of the Colombian Psychological Association (
Sign and Date
The Revista Colombiana de Psicología (RCP) accepts the Deodontological and Bioethical Code of the Colombian Psychological Association ( and the APA ethics code as ethical standards ( for research and publication. As a policy of RCP, accepted authors must warrant compliance with the principles mentioned in the document “Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement” available at the webpage of the journal (
Additionally, accepted authors must read and sign a document certifying that they not have a conflict of interests in relation with the research being published. In this document, accepted authors must declare any potential conflict of interest, as well as the institutions of affiliation and the financial sources related to the research that is being published in the journal.
Conflict of Interest Statement
As part of the usual process for publication in the Revista Colombiana de Psicología (RCP), it is required that authors inform about possible conflicts of interest related to the work being published.
According to the APA guidelines, the following situations are considered as sources of bias:
Situations in which authors can obtain gains in salary, consultancy fees or research grants that are related directly to the products or services studied in the research being published.
Also situations in which the authors own copyrights or earn royalties of some type from products or services involved in the research. Additionally, situations in which authors have a direct relationship with an institution or person participating in the development of a commercial product or service involved in the research being published.
According to this definitions, please mark one of the following options:
____Neither the authors of this article, nor their immediate family receive a financial benefit from the products and services related to the research being published, or any other possible source of bias or conflict of interest.
____The authors of this article, or their immediate family, receive a financial benefit from the products and services related to the research being published, or any other possible source of bias or conflict of interest.
If you chose the second option, please send a letter indicating the name of the service or product and your relationship with it (consultancy fee, research grant, etc.).
Sign and Date
With the goal to facilitate the visibility and the impact of each author, it is necessary that the authors provide information regarding the normalized format of citation, that is, the way the author normally writes his or her name in academic journals. This information must be provided in the authors´ information section and in the contact information provided in the manuscript.
- In order to update our databases, please attach a cv for each of the article´s authors.
The article is being presented to one of the monographic sections of the journal (see the announcement's section). Please, choose the monographic section when selecting the Journal Section in Step1 (Starting the Submission) above.
Section Policies
Los artículos que se sometan a revisión para su publicación deben dirigirse y enviarse a la Revista Colombiana de Psicología, en medio electromagnético, versión MS Word, a través del sistema de gestión de revistas Open Journal System. Ni el envío ni el procesamiento de los artículos sometidos a evaluación generan cargos o costos a los autores. Para enviar el manuscrito ingrese a la página, allí podrá inscribirse como autor y seguir las instrucciones para el envío de artículos. De esta forma podrá hacer un seguimiento del proceso de su artículo. Los artículos enviados deben ser inéditos y no pueden ser evaluados simultáneamente por otras revistas, razón por la cual es indispensable que los autores firmen una carta, suministrada por la revista, donde certifiquen la originalidad del texto. Ver Directrices para autores/as
Monographic Section: Class Psychology and Education
The Colombian Journal of Psychology (ISSN 0121-5469 (Print) ISSN 2344-8644 (Online)) is planning a monographic section on Peace Psychology and Education, and we think that it would be an interesting outlet for your research. The monographic section will be published in 2020, 2021, 2020 and 2023.The topics for this monographic section include, among others:
Historical reasoning and history education
Collective memory
Peace psychology
Psychological consequences of violence
Conflict resolution
Human rights Education
Bullying prevention
Social factors related to violence
The Journal is currently indexed it in the following data bases and bibliographic indexes: Lilacs, Bvpsi-co, Clase, Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, Psicodoc, Scielo, Doaj, EBSCO, SCOPUS and PsycINFO.
We are receiving original Papers (3000-10000 words).
Monographic Section: Peace Psychology and Education
The Colombian Journal of Psychology (ISSN 0121-5469 (Print) ISSN 2344-8644 (Online)) is planning a monographic section on Peace Psychology and Education, and we think that it would be an interesting outlet for your research. The monographic section will be published in 2020, 2021, 2020 and 2023.The topics for this monographic section include, among others:
Historical reasoning and history education
Collective memory
Peace psychology
Psychological consequences of violence
Conflict resolution
Human rights Education
Bullying prevention
Social factors related to violence
The Journal is currently indexed it in the following data bases and bibliographic indexes: Lilacs, Bvpsi-co, Clase, Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, Psicodoc, Scielo, Doaj, EBSCO, SCOPUS and PsycINFO.
We are receiving original Papers (3000-10000 words).
Monographic Section: Advances in Judgement and Decision Making
The Colombian Journal of Psychology (ISSN 0121-5469 (Print) ISSN 2344-8644 (Online)) is planning a monographic section on Advances in Judgement and Decision Making, and we think that it would be an interesting outlet for your research. The monographic section will be published in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.The topics for this monographic section include, among others:
New anomalies and biases
Behavioral findings on micro-economics and macro-economics
Nudges and other applications of behavioral economics
Psychology of economics
Economic psychology
Prosocial behavior
Financial decisions
Psychology of debt
Behavioral market equilibria
Behavior in the commons
The psychology of bubbles
The Journal is currently indexed it in the following data bases and bibliographic indexes: Lilacs, Bvpsi-co, Clase, Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, Psicodoc, Scielo, Doaj, EBSCO, Scopus and PsycINFO.
We are receiving original Papers (3000-10000 words).
Copyright Notice
The RCP is published under the Creative Commons license and can be copied and reproduced according to the conditions of this license ( RCP articles are available online at If you would like to subscribe to the RCP as reader, please go to and follow the instructions mentioned in the webpage. Additionally, a limited number of print journals are available upon request. To request print copies, please email