About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Revista Colombiana de Psicología (RCP) aims to reach educational and cultural institutions interested in psychological science, as well as psychologists and students of psychology or related disciplines. The goal of the journal is to increase public knowledge about psychology in Latin America by publishing original, peer-reviewed, articles within the several fields of psychology. In this way, RCP aims at creating a stronger academic community in this field in Latin America and to spread state-of-the-art research agendas at the international level.
RCP publishes empirical and theoretical works that follow the guidelines accepted by the different scientific and theoretical perspectives in psychology and presented as essays, meta-analyses, literature reviews, and empirical studies.
Authorship Policy
Our journal follows the authorship criteria established by the Authorship Tie-breaker Scorecard. To be considered an author, each contributor must meet all of the following conditions:
- Have made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the study; or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data.
- Have participated in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
- Have approved the final version of the manuscript for publication.
- Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of any part of it.
The journal does not accept the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) tools or systems as authors, as they lack the capacity to assume ethical or legal responsibility for the published content. AI may be used as support during the writing or analysis process, but its use must be acknowledged in the appropriate sections (e.g., acknowledgments or methodology), never in the list of authors.
Peer Review Process
The process of publication of an article in the Colombian Journal of Psychology follows the next steps. Once the manuscript is submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, the Editorial Team conducts an initial review to assess whether it meets the basic publication criteria. If approved, the manuscript is sent to expert reviewers in the field, who will provide their evaluation. This process may take between six and twelve months, months, depending on the journal’s schedule, the quality of the article, and how promptly the authors make the suggested modifications. However, this timeframe may vary if there are difficulties finding available reviewers or delays in receiving their responses.
As part of its editorial policy, the Revista Colombiana de Psicología requests that authors collaborate by reviewing another article that has already been evaluated by the editorial team and is awaiting peer review. In this way, articles can be evaluated by both suggested reviewers and anonymous reviewers, under a double-blind modality, who are also authors contributing to the journal. This policy aims to foster collaboration among researchers and improve publication quality, recognizing that the academic incentive system creates a paradoxical situation: everyone wants to publish, but few are willing to review. Participating in this process allows authors to learn about the work of other colleagues in related fields and contribute to the public conversation on psychology. Furthermore, this practice strengthens academic and professional networks between authors and reviewers, promoting knowledge exchange and the development of future collaborations.
The submission form and other documents are available on the right-hand panel of the website.
Ethical Guidelines
All articles must have an IRB or equivalent ethical committee approval. Informe consent is required for studies including direct data collection with the exceptions mentioned in the APA ethical guidelines. Preregistration and data availability is not required, but it is recommended.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public for free generates a larger exchange of scientific knowledge at a global scale.
Estadísticas (Google Analytics - Users) (Visitas)
Enfoque y alcance
La Revista Colombiana de Psicología (RCP) está dirigida a instituciones educativas y culturales interesadas en la ciencia psicológica, así como a psicólogos y estudiantes de psicología o disciplinas afines. El objetivo de la revista es aumentar el conocimiento público sobre la psicología en América Latina mediante la publicación de artículos originales y evaluados por pares en los diversos campos de la psicología. De este modo, la RCP busca fortalecer la comunidad académica en este campo en América Latina y difundir las agendas de investigación de vanguardia a nivel internacional.
La RCP publica trabajos empíricos y teóricos que sigan las pautas aceptadas por las diferentes perspectivas científicas y teóricas en psicología y que se presenten en formato de ensayos, metaanálisis, revisiones de literatura y estudios empíricos.
Política de autoría
Nuestra revista sigue los criterios de autoría establecidos por Authorship Tie-breaker Scorecard. Para ser considerado autor, cada integrante debe cumplir con todas las siguientes condiciones:
- Haber contribuido de manera sustancial a la concepción o el diseño del estudio; o a la adquisición, análisis o interpretación de los datos.
- Participar en la redacción del manuscrito o en su revisión crítica con aportes intelectuales significativos.
- Aprobar la versión final del manuscrito para su publicación.
- Aceptar la responsabilidad de todos los aspectos del trabajo, asegurando la exactitud e integridad de cualquier parte del mismo.
La revista no admite la inclusión como autores de contribuciones realizadas por inteligencias artificiales, ya que estas herramientas carecen de la capacidad de asumir responsabilidad ética o legal sobre los resultados presentados. Las IAs pueden ser utilizadas como apoyo en el proceso de redacción o análisis, pero su uso debe ser reconocido en los apartados correspondientes (agradecimientos o metodología), nunca en la lista de autores.
Proceso de revisión por pares
El proceso de publicación de un artículo en la Revista Colombiana de Psicología sigue los siguientes pasos. Una vez el manuscrito es enviado a través del sistema Open Journal Systems (OJS), el Equipo Editorial realiza una primera revisión para evaluar si cumple con los criterios básicos de publicación. Si es aprobado, se envía a revisores expertos en el área, quienes emitirán su concepto. Este proceso puede tardar entre seis y doce meses, dependiendo de la programación de la revista, la calidad del artículo y la prontitud de los autores al realizar las modificaciones sugeridas. No obstante, este tiempo puede variar si se presentan dificultades para encontrar revisores disponibles o si se producen retrasos en las respuestas de los mismos.
Como parte de su política editorial, la Revista Colombiana de Psicología solicita a los autores colaborar con la revisión de otro artículo que ya ha sido evaluado por el equipo editorial y está a la espera de ser revisado por pares académicos. De este modo, los artículos pueden ser evaluados tanto por revisores sugeridos como por revisores anónimos, en la modalidad de doble ciego, quienes también son autores de la revista. Esta política busca fomentar la colaboración entre investigadores y mejorar la calidad de las publicaciones, entendiendo que el sistema de incentivos en la academia puede generar una situación paradójica: todos quieren publicar, pero pocos quieren revisar. Participar en este proceso les permitirá conocer el trabajo de otros colegas en campos afines y contribuir a la conversación pública sobre psicología. Además, esta práctica fortalece las redes académicas y profesionales entre autores y revisores, favoreciendo el intercambio de conocimientos y el desarrollo de futuras colaboraciones.
El formato de envío y demás documentos se encuentran disponibles en el panel derecho de la página.
Guías éticas
Todos los artículos deben contar con la aprobación de un Comité de Ética (IRB) o su equivalente. El consentimiento informado es obligatorio para los estudios que incluyan recolección directa de datos, con las excepciones mencionadas en las guías éticas de la APA. La preinscripción del estudio y la disponibilidad de los datos no son requisitos, pero se recomienda su cumplimiento.
Política de acceso abierto
Esta revista proporciona acceso abierto inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que poner la investigación a disposición del público de forma gratuita genera un mayor intercambio de conocimiento científico a escala global.
Reviewer Guidelines
To Accept and Upload a Review
Please have in mind the following information when conducting your review.
a) In the step 1 of the REVIEW STEPS section, you have to accept the review.
b) In the step 3 of the REVIEW STEPS section, you can download the manuscript. This option only will be available if you previously accepted the review in step 1.
c) You can upload your review in the step 4 of the REVIEW STEPS section by clicking on the small icon beside the “revisions” word. This action will activate a new window, in which you can write your comments to the article. If the window does not open, it is necessary to review the cookies configuration of your browser. This option only will be available if you previously accepted the review in step 1
d) If you want to upload a file (e.g., a commented manuscript), you can do so in the step 5 of the REVIEW STEPS section. To do so, you need to “Seleccionar un archivo” (select a file) and then click in the upload button.
e) You have to choose a recommendation for the article. Among the options
available in the menu, you can choose among (See below for specific criteria):
Accept Submission: Accept without changes.
Revisions Required: Major Revisions are needed
Decline Submission: Reject
Any other recommendation will be interpreted as a rejection.
Peer Review Instructions
Please have in mind the following information when conducting your review.
1. The manuscript should cover a topic close to your area of expertise. If that is not the case, we appreciate that you inform us of that situation, and do not conduct the review.
2. Be sure that you do not have any conflict of interest to review the article, by any reason (e.g., institutional, financial, personal). However, you should know that the authors will not know your identity.
3. Be sure you have the time to conduct a careful review of the article.
4. Have in mind that your role as reviewer is providing the editor with the means to make an informed decision about the publication of the article, as well as, providing authors with suggestions to improve the manuscript. Your critics, arguments and suggestions will be useful to the editor and the authors, if they are carefully documented and if they are constructive. In that sense, later you will find a form to make your comments regarding each aspect of the article. We will appreciate if you include specific suggestions on how to solve your critical comments to the article. Please, DO NOT include offensive or dismissive comments, and, in general do not use your review as space for personal attacks.
5. Protect the document. Do not cited before it is published and do not use the information included in it for your research or any other personal advantage. This information is confidential, no details of the manuscript or its contents will be disclosed to third parties.
6. Remember that your task as a reviewer is to comment on the scientific aspects of the manuscript, and not its style. However, if you observe repetitive mistakes, please let us know.
Answer SOME of the following questions regarding the different criteria that the Colombian Journal of Psychology considers relevant to assess the publication of an article.
Originality |
Does the manuscript propose an original and new idea (for a local journal)? Does it adds new knowledge to the research area? |
Organization and Structure
Is the general organization of the manuscript clear and efficient? Is it well written? |
¿Do the title and the abstract describe correctly the content of the manuscript? ¿Does the keywords good descriptors of the documents´ content? |
Ethical Aspects |
From your point of view, the article fulfills the ethical requirements related to subjects´ rights, data fabrication or falsification, inadequate analysis, use of deceiving graphs, double publication, and omission of citations or plagiarism? |
Question for specific types of articles
1. Empirical article: This type of article presents the results of research projects that include data collection and analysis. The general structure of this type of article should include at least four sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
2. Reflection article: This type of article presents results from research that reflects and develops theory from an analytical, interpretative or cricital perspective on some field of subfield with psychology, using original sources.
3. Lit. review article. This type of article analyzes and integrates systematically the results of empirical articles, published or unpublished, with the goal to identify the advances and tendencies of development within a field of psychology. This type of article is characterizaed by using at least 50 references.
Introduction |
Does the article reviews relevant theoretical and empirical precedents in the field? Does the literature reviewed in the article supports in a straightforward manner the problem and goal of the article? |
Are the variables and hypothesis of the article clearly defined? |
Method |
Is the method pertinent to answer the research question? |
Is the sample appropriate? Are the characteristics of the sample and process of selection clearly described? |
Are the instruments adequately described? Is it clear how data were recollected and the measures are explained? |
Is the procedure clearly described? Is there enough information to replicate the study? |
Results |
Is the data analysis appropriate? Are the statistical methods, if applied, pertinent? |
Are the results relevant to answer the research question? Are the results well-organized and clear? |
Are tables and figures clear and pertinent? |
Discussion |
Does the article explore the way in which the results answer the research question and their relationship with the hypothesis of the study? Does the article present the importance of the study in the field of research? |
Are the conclusions derived from the results? The article connects the conclusions with relevant literature? |
Does the text have a clear argument that is developed consistently in all the document? |
Are the conclusions consistent with the arguments in the document? |
Are the arguments clearly supported by relevant prior research in the field? |
Does the article cite the more relevant references in the area? |
Is there a critical approach regarding the presented literature? Does the article propose new interpretations to prior literature? |
Does the article organize the literature in a clear and pertinent manner? |
Based on your answers, please select from the list your recommendation for the manuscript.
You can upload you review following these steps: you can select your decision in the system following the instructions presented at the beginning of this guideline.
0. Accept. This option applies when the manuscript has the characteristics required for publication in the journal and, therefore, can be publish in its current state, without changes.
1. Revise. This option applies when the manuscript requires minor changes in terms of form, analysis and lit. review. The manuscript is accepted but needs minor changes to be published.
2. Revise and submit. This option must be used in cases in which the article presents a high relevance in some level (e.g., evidence, method) but the development is not completely correct. In these cases, the manuscript is not accepted but can be consider for further review. Please, point out which changes are indispensable, and which are optional.
3. Rejection. The manuscript must be rejected when indispensable changes that imply:
a) Global changes in the structure of the text, and the inclusion of new sections of lit. review.
b) New large data analysis procedures.
c) Additional data recollections in a similar scale to that presented in the study.
d) The presentation of additional evidence to complement the theoretical model.
e) Recurring writing and grammatical mistakes that imply a complete style proofread of the text.
Additionally, the article can be rejected if:
a) The article does not relate to psychological questions or interdisciplinary debates connected to this discipline.
b) The article has methodological problems that cannot be solved without an additional data recollection.
c) The research question is not clear.
d) The research question cannot be solved with presented data.
Note. If you want to send the manuscript with comments and you are going to use the comment tool in MS Word, please be sure of changing your user name to keep your comments anonymous.