Social Emotional Learning (sel) Program Among Fifth graders, Three and Six Months Later
Intervención de Habilidades Sociales en Estudiantes, Tres y Seis Meses Después de su Participación
elementary education students, Follow-up, social emotional learning, social vulnerability (en)entrenamiento de habilidades sociales, , estudiantes de la Enseñanza Fundamental, Follow up, habilidades sociales, vulnerabilidad social (es)
This study carried out a follow-up three and six months after the application of a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program, aiming to verify the maintenance of social skills in Elementary Education students in situations of social vulnerability from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A sample of the intervention and control groups composed of 20 students aged 10 to 13 (M = 10.3, SD = 0.8), boys and girls were selected. The SSRS (Social Skill Rating System) and the TDE (School Achievement Test) used in the intervention for teachers and students were reapplied. The results showed that the decrease in psychopathological symptoms and the improvements in academic performance were maintained after the intervention. These findings highlight the relevance of developing social emotional learning programs with elementary school students.
How to cite this article: Souza, M.S., Soares, A.B., & Freitas, C.P.P. (2021). Social emotional learning (sel) program among fifth graders, three and six months later. Revista Colombiana de Psicologia, 31 (1), 35-48.
La investigación realizó un follow up de tres y seis meses después de un entrenamiento de habilidades sociales, con el objetivo de verificar el mantenimiento de habilidades sociales de estudiantes de la Enseñanza Fundamental en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Seleccionó una muestra de los grupos intervención (GI) y control (GC) compuesta por 20 alumnos, edades entre 10 a 13 (M =10,3; DE = 0,8), niños y niñas. Reaplicó los instrumentos SSRS (Social Skill Rating System), TDE (Prueba de Desempeño Escolar) utilizados en la intervención para profesores y alumnos. Los resultados demostraron que las ganancias del GI se mantuvieron y aún hubo un aumento de nuevas ganancias positivas significativas.
Cómo citar este artículo: Souza, M.S., Soares, A.B., & Freitas, C.P.P. (2021). Social emotional learning (sel) program among fifth graders, three and six months later. Revista Colombiana de Psicologia, 31 (1), 35-48.
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