Factores de riesgo psicosociales relacionados con ideación suicida en adolescentes escolarizados, Suba (Bogotá), 2006-2018
Psychosocial Risk Factors Related to Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents, Suba (Bogotá), 2006-2018
Adolescente, familia, ideación suicida, relaciones familiares, usuarios de drogas, abuso físico (es)Adolescent, family, suicidal ideation, family relations, drug users, physical abuse (en)
Objetivo Estimar la relación entre la ideación suicida de riesgo y factores psicosociales en adolescentes escolarizados de la localidad de Suba (Bogotá, Colombia).
Materiales y Métodos Tipo de estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. 28 229 adolescentes de 26 colegios públicos de Bogotá (localidad de Suba), encuestados entre 2006 y 2018. Se aplicó encuesta autodiligenciada, se escogieron las variables “ha pensado
en el suicidio y le gustaría hacerlo” versus “no lo ha pensado” y se compararon con aspectos psicosociales de relaciones familiares y emocionales de los adolescentes.
Resultados 1 157 adolescentes (4,3%) han pensado en el suicidio y les gustaría hacerlo. El 8,6% (2 279) lo han pensado y han buscado ayuda y 17 273 (63,6%) no lo han pensado. El 5,4% (1 442) perciben disfunción familiar severa. 637 (2,3%) reciben castigo físico por parte de padres. 1 269 padres (4,7%) consumen sustancias psicoactivas con frecuencia. Las relaciones más fuertes son: Disfunción familiar severa (OR 2,5 IC 95% 1,6-3,8), padres que consumen sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) con frecuencia (OR 2,5 IC 95% 1,4-4,6) y haber pensado en el suicidio y pedir ayuda (OR 0,012 IC 95% 0,09-0,015).
Conclusiones Las malas relaciones entre padres e hijos parecen ser el factor más importante para que aparezca la ideación suicida de riesgo y pedir ayuda, el principal factor protector.
Objective To estimate the relationship between risky suicidal ideation and psychosocial factors in adolescents enrolled in public schools in Suba, a locality in Bogotá (Colombia).
Methods and Materials Descriptive cross-sectional study. 28 229 adolescents from 26 public schools in Suba, a locality in Bogotá, polled between 2006 and 2018. A self-administered questionnaire was applied. Variables of suicidal ideation were selected (have thought about suicide and would like to do it versus has not thought about it). These variables were compared both with family psychosocial aspects as well as emotional aspects of adolescents.
Results 1 157 adolescents (4.3%) have thought about suicide and would like to do it. 8.6% (2 279) have thought about it and have sought help and, 17 273 (63.6%) have not thought about it. 5.4% (1 442) perceived serious family dysfunction. 637 (2.3%) received physical punishment by parents. 1 269 parents (4.7%) used psychoactive substances frequently. The strongest relationships are: Severe family dysfunction (OR 2.5 95% CI 1.6-3.8), parents who consume psychoactive substances frequently (OR 2.5 95% CI 1.4-4.6) and having thought about suicide and asking for help (OR 0.012 95% CI 0.09-0.015).
Conclusions Poor relationships between parents and children seem to be the most important factor for risky suicidal ideation and asking for help is the main protective factor.
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