Plaguicidas e hipotiroidismo en agricultores en zonas de cultivo de plátano y café, en Quindío, Colombia
Pesticides and hypothyroidism in farmers of plantain and coffee growing areas in Quindío, Colombia
Hipotiroidismo, disruptores endocrinos, insecticidas organoclorados, Heptaclor, endosulfano (es)Hypothyroidism, endocrine disruptors, organochlorine insecticide, heptachlor, endosulfan (en)
Objetivos Determinar relación entre hipotiroidismo y plaguicidas en sangre.
Metodología Estudio de corte transversal, en agricultores y sus compañeros(as) permanentes en municipios productores de plátano y café. Se calculó muestra representativa. Se realizaron pruebas de función tiroidea, se utilizó un lector de ELISA Stat Fax 303/Plus, en una longitud de onda 450 nm. Se determinó la residualidad de plaguicidas organoclorados, se implementó un método de microextracción dispersiva en fase líquida (DLLME) asistida por sonicación, y se empleó cromatografía de gases con detector de micro captura de electrones (GC-μECD) para el análisis.
Resultados Se incluyeron 819 participantes, 58,7% hombres y 41,3% mujeres; promedio de edad 48,1 años. Prevalencia de hipotiroidismo manifiesto 1,2% y de hipotiroidismo subclínico 6,7%, mayor prevalencia en personas mayores de 60 años (2,6% y 8,9% respectivamente). Se encontró asociación no causal de hipotiroidismo subclínico con plaguicidas organoclorados 4,4'-DDE (sig.0,006), Heptacloro (sig.0,04), y Endosulfán I (sig.0,02). Los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa (Anti TPO) ≥ 60 IU/ml se asociaron con h. subclínico, OR 2,6.
Conclusiones La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo hallada es similar a lo referido en la literatura, es menor que en áreas urbanas; la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo subclínico es mayor y con riesgo de progresión a hipotiroidismo franco cuando se relaciona con Anti-TPO positivos, razón por la cual se requiere seguimiento en estos pacientes. Se asociaron a h. subclínico 3 plaguicidas organoclorados. Se recomienda tamizaje de TSH en personas de 40 y más años sobre todo si están expuestas a los agroquímicos mencionados.
Objectives To establish the correlation between hypothyroidism and blood pesticide levels.
Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study in agricultural workers and their permanent partners in plantain and coffee producing municipalities as reference population. A representative sample was estimated and thyroid function tests were performed using ELISA Stat Fax 303/Plus reader, at a wavelength of 450 nm. Organochlorine pesticide residuality was determined, a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) assisted by sonication was implemented, and a gas chromatography-micro-electron capture detector (GC-μECD) was used for the analysis.
Results 819 participants, 58.7% men and 41.3% women were included; their average age was 48.1 years. Prevalence of symptomatic hypothyroidism (1.2%) and subclinical hypothyroidism (6.7%) was observed, with a higher prevalence in people older than 60 years (2.6% and 8.9%, respectively). Non-causal association was found between subclinical hypothyroidism and the organochlorine pesticides 4,4'-DDE (sig.0,006), Heptachlor (sig.0,04), and Endosulfan I (sig.0,02). Antiperoxidase (Anti TPO) antibodies ≥60 IU/ml were associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (OR 2.6).
Conclusions The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the studied population is similar to that reported in the literature, and
lower than in urban areas. In turn, the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is higher and positive anti-TPO values
are related to risk of progression to frank hypothyroidism, which is why follow-up is required in these patients. Three
organochlorine pesticides were associated with subclinical hypothyroidism. TSH screening is recommended in people
aged 40 and over, especially if they are exposed to the aforementioned agrochemicals.
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1. Wachiranun Sirikul, Ratana Sapbamrer. (2023). Exposure to pesticides and the risk of hypothyroidism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 23(1)
2. Vikram Vasan, Mathilda Alsen, Dragan Vujovic, Eric Genden, Catherine Sinclair, Maaike van Gerwen. (2023). Endosulfan use and the risk of thyroid cancer: an ecological study. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 58(1), p.51.
3. Liliana A. Zúñiga-Venegas, Carly Hyland, María Teresa Muñoz-Quezada, Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá, Mariana Butinof, Rafael Buralli, Andres Cardenas, Ricardo A. Fernandez, Claudia Foerster, Nelson Gouveia, Juan P. Gutiérrez Jara, Boris A. Lucero, María Pía Muñoz, Muriel Ramírez-Santana, Anna R. Smith, Noemi Tirado, Berna van Wendel de Joode, Gloria M. Calaf, Alexis J. Handal, Agnes Soares da Silva, Sandra Cortés, Ana M. Mora. (2022). Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure in Latin American and the Caribbean Populations: A Scoping Review. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(9)
4. Alejandro García Ríos, Ariel S. Martínez, Ángela L. Londoño, Beatriz Restrepo, Patricia Landázuri. (2020). Determination of organochlorine and organophosphorus residues in surface waters from the coffee zone in Quindío, Colombia. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 55(11), p.968.
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