Estimación del rendimiento de orellana mediante modelos Gamlss
Estimation of orellana yield through Gamlss models
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GAMLSS, regresión, modelación, distribución gamma (es)GAMLSS, regression, modeling, gamma distribution (en)
The influence of environmental variables on the production of edible mushrooms has been previously documented in the scientic literature. However, all these studies have in common the use of statistical models where the variable production is distributed in a normal way, although it is well known this is not always true. In this paper, we have used the GAMLSS (Generalized Additive Model for Location Scale and Shape) to study the in uence of variables such as humidity, temperature, aeration time, type of substrate and amount of substrate on the production of the Orellana mushroom. GAMLSS allows to assume statistical distributions for the response variable different from normal and enable modeling all parameters according to variables. When applying GAMLSS to the Orellana data, it was found that only the variables temperature, aeration time and type of substrate were influential on the Orellana production. In particular, the analysis revealed that at higher temperatures and aeration times the production of Orellana rises. Additionally, it was estimated that the production of Orellana would double if ground husk were used. The impact of results derived from this investigation can be utilized not just to quantify the effects of environmental variables on the industrial production of Orellana, but also to determine optimal factor combinations to maximize production.
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