

Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera

Palabras clave:

Mastozoología, Chiroptera, Mamíferos colombianos (es)
Mastozoología, Chiroptera, Mamíferos colombianos (en)



  • Ernesto Barriga Bonilla Universidad Nacional de Colombia

This work is a contribution to the systematic and zoogeographical knowledge of the Colombian mammals. Three species of bats (Artibeus concolor, Chiroderma trinitatum gorgasi and Todarida laticaudata) are recorded by first time from this country Artibeus concolor (a species known up to date by three specimens recorded in the literature, two of them apparently lost) is redescribed on the bases of six specimens collected in the vicinity of Mitú, Vaupés, The species is closely related to the sympatric A. cinereus but it is larger size (fairly evident when comparisons are made sex by sex) and by the constancy of the M3 with cusps comparatively developed. The highest altitudinal record (2600 m.) for Vampyrops dorsalis is reported. Chiroderma gorgasi is regarded as a subspecies of C. trinitatum and it is recorded from the vicinity of Mitú. The nominated subspecies of Lasiurus ega is recorded by the first time from Colombia. Tadarida laticaudata macarenensis (new subspecies) known only from the southern end of the Macarena Mountains, Meta, can be distinguished from its closest neighbour (T.I. europs) mainly by its larger size. T.I. macarenensis resembles T.l. laticaudata, but it is decidedly smaller, and furthermore their ranges are widely separated by the areal interposition of T. I. europs, a subspecies now recorded from Colombia by the first time.

This work is a contribution to the systematic and zoogeographical knowledge of the Colombian mammals. Three species of bats (Artibeus concolor, Chiroderma trinitatum gorgasi and Todarida laticaudata) are recorded by first time from this country Artibeus concolor (a species known up to date by three specimens recorded in the literature, two of them apparently lost) is redescribed on the bases of six specimens collected in the vicinity of Mitú, Vaupés, The species is closely related to the sympatric A. cinereus but it is larger size (fairly evident when comparisons are made sex by sex) and by the constancy of the M3 with cusps comparatively developed. The highest altitudinal record (2600 m.) for Vampyrops dorsalis is reported. Chiroderma gorgasi is regarded as a subspecies of C. trinitatum and it is recorded from the vicinity of Mitú. The nominated subspecies of Lasiurus ega is recorded by the first time from Colombia. Tadarida laticaudata macarenensis (new subspecies) known only from the southern end of the Macarena Mountains, Meta, can be distinguished from its closest neighbour (T.I. europs) mainly by its larger size. T.I. macarenensis resembles T.l. laticaudata, but it is decidedly smaller, and furthermore their ranges are widely separated by the areal interposition of T. I. europs, a subspecies now recorded from Colombia by the first time.

Cómo citar


Barriga Bonilla, E. (1965). Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera. Caldasia, 9(43), 241–268.


Barriga Bonilla, E. 1965. Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera. Caldasia. 9, 43 (ene. 1965), 241–268.


Barriga Bonilla, E. Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera. Caldasia 1965, 9, 241-268.


BARRIGA BONILLA, E. Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera. Caldasia, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 43, p. 241–268, 1965. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.


Barriga Bonilla, Ernesto. 1965. «Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera». Caldasia 9 (43):241-68.


Barriga Bonilla, E. (1965) «Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera», Caldasia, 9(43), pp. 241–268. Disponible en: (Accedido: 13 marzo 2025).


E. Barriga Bonilla, «Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera», Caldasia, vol. 9, n.º 43, pp. 241–268, ene. 1965.


Barriga Bonilla, E. «Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera». Caldasia, vol. 9, n.º 43, enero de 1965, pp. 241-68,


Barriga Bonilla, Ernesto. «Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera». Caldasia 9, no. 43 (enero 1, 1965): 241–268. Accedido marzo 13, 2025.


Barriga Bonilla E. Estudios Mastozoológicos Colombianos, I Chiroptera. Caldasia [Internet]. 1 de enero de 1965 [citado 13 de marzo de 2025];9(43):241-68. Disponible en:

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