About the Journal
Caldasia publishes original contributions related to the documentation, understanding and conservation of biological diversity with a tropical emphasis. The journal considers biodiversity in a broad sense and therefore includes papers in areas such as botany, zoology, ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, taxonomy, systematics, conservation, anthropology and related disciplines. The journal is fully electronic and publishes full scientific articles, review papers and short communications. Caldasia does not charge publication fees to authors or readers for reading the content. Contributions can be written in Spanish or English.
After publishing three issues per year, from 2025 Caldasia will become a journal with continuous publication in an annual volume. It will continue to be an open access publication of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Colombia, following its uninterrupted publication since 1940. Its name honors the memory of Francisco José de Caldas, the first Colombian naturalist, who died sacrificed for the political independence of Colombia on October 29, 1816.
Caldasia's open access allows the works to be widely accessible. During 2024 Caldasia had more than 3215 downloads. As of 2023 its impact factor is 0.19 according to the Scimago Journal and Country Rank. In Publindex 2024 it is in category B.