Reseñas y comentarios
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joumal of Economic Perspectives, v. 7, n. 1, invierno de 1993, 67-82. / Mullineux, A. YDickinson, D. "Equilibrium Business Cycles: Theory and Evidence", joumal of Economic Surveys, v. 6, n. 4, 1992,321-358. / Cheng, L Y Dinopoulos, E.
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"Intemational Business Cyeles", The American Economic Review, v. 83,n. 3, junio de 1993. / Beaudry, Paul y Koop, Gary. ¿Cambian las recesiones permanentemente el
producto?", Journal of Monetary Economics 31, 1993, 149-163. / Mullineux, A. YPeng, W. "Nonlinear Business Cycle
Modelling", Joumalof Economic Suroeus, v. 7, n. 1, 1993, 41-83. / Shi, He-Ling. "Continuum of Equilibria and Business Cycles: A Dinamic Model of Mesoeconomics", The American
Economic Review, v. 82, n. 2, mayo de 1992. / Saint-Paul, G. "Productivity Growth and the Structure of Business Cycle", European Economic Review, v. 37, mayo de 1993, 861-890. / joumal of Political Economy, v 101, n. 3, junio de 1993, 385-409. / Fukao, Kyoji y Otaky, Masayuki. "Accumulation of
Human Capital and the Business Cycle", joumal of Polítical Economy, v. 101, n. 1, febrero de 1993, 73-99. / Hausman, Daniel M. y McPherson, Michael S. ''Taking Ethics Seriously:
Economics and Contemporary Moral Philosophy", journal of
Economic Literature, v. XXXI, junio de 1993. / Bowles, Sarnuel y Gintis, Herbert. ''The Revenge of Horno Econornicus: Contested Exchange and the Revival of
Political Econorny", journal of Economic Perspectives, v. 7, n. 1, invierno de 1993.
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