Special issue of Cuadernos de Economía!
Economy of culture in Latin america!
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Cuadernos de Economía is a biannual, refereed, indexed and open access academic research journal that aims to disseminate, in the national and international academic environment, the intellectual production in theories, methodologies and economic applications, from plural epistemological perspectives through the physical and electronic publication of regular and special monographic issues.
The journal considers in its editorial process original and unpublished academic contributions of diverse textual typologies such as research articles, articles of reflection, bibliographic reviews, critiques and analytical reviews of books, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, which have not been proposed or published in other serial publications.
The target audience of Cuadernos de Economía are academics, researchers, teachers, university students and members of governmental institutions or private entities, who are engaged in the study and reflection of economic theories and policies, development and growth, inequalities, economic history and other topics of interest in the disciplinary field of economics with implications in the local, Latin American and global context.
To learn more about Cuadernos de Economía go to:
We inform our academic community that we will suspend the reception of articles through the OJS platform for a few weeks.
From June 15 to August 15 you can send your articles or reviews to revcuaeco_bog@unal.edu.co with the following subject: "C-OJS: submission of article the editorial process".
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Economía. Ciudad Universitaria Cra 30 Nº 45 - 03, edificio 310, primer piso A. A. 055051 Bogotá, Colombia Telefax.: (571) 316 5000 ext. 12308 E-mail: revcuaeco_bog@unal.edu.co
ISSN Impreso: 0121-4772
ISSN En línea: 2248-4337
DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ