Utilización de lavazas enriquecidas en alimentación de cerdos de levante-ceba (30-90 kg.)
Use of supplemented kitchen refuse for feeding growing - finishing pigs (30-90 kg.)
Palabras clave:
cerdos, lavazas, alimentación (es)supplemented kitchen, feeding, pigs (en)
The experiment was carried out in a commmercial pig farm located on the left bank of the Cauca river, in the northeastern part of Cali. The farm has an average temperature of 23° C, an average rainfall of 1000 m.m. and is at 1003 m. above the sea level. Sixty crossbred pigs weighing an average of 32.5 kg were distributed at random with three treatments and three replications per treatment. The treatments were : TI. Kitchen refuse ad libitum + 0.75 kg/day of 14 % crude protein commercial feed, T2. Kitchen refuse ad libitum + 0.412 kg/day of 43.6 % crude protein supplement. The experimental period lasted 113 days. The results for average daily weight gain (g) and feed conversion (kg D.M. consumed/ kg Iive weight gain) were: TI. 510 and 5.24; T2. 567 and 3.91, respectively. The analysis of variance did not show significant differences for daily weight gain, but there were differences for feed conversion (p<.05) favoring TI (kitchen refuse + protein supplement). The economical analysis showed better results for TI (kitchen refuse + protein supplement) and the same treatment had lower production cost per finished pig, than it would be expected from the use of commercial feed.
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