Reconocimiento, identificación y algunas observaciones sobre dinámica de poblaciones de ácaros, en cítricos del valle del cauca, Colombia
Palabras clave:
Ácaros, naranja (es)Mites, orange (en)
A study was carried out about some mites appearing in the most important citrus zones of Valle del Cauca; this study had asmain objetives the survey, identification and a preliminary study of dynamics of populations of some species. There were found species of plant feeding nites and predatory mites in the mites and spider mites fauna of the region.
The identification of species found was the following:
1. Phyllocoptruta oileivora Asmead - Eriophydae - plant feeder.
2. Brevipalpus phoenicis Geijskes - Tenuipalpidae - plant feeder.
3. Lorryia sp. - Tydeidae.
Lorryia turialbensis Baker - apparently a fungs spore feeder.
4. Chaletogenes omatus (Canestrini and Fanzago) - Cheyletidae
- predatory.
5. Cunaxa sp. - Cunaxidae - predatory.
7. Euscius n. sp. near naindaimei Chant and Baker.
Euseius n. sp. near vivax Chant and Baker.
Muma, M. H. says two species late are the same species and may be Euseius alatus Deleon.
In the stage of surveying it was found a wide distribution for species Phyllocoptruta oleivora A., Brevipalpus phoenicis G. and Lorryia turrialbensis, in all the orchards visited, exception of the Nursery of Facultad de Agronomia - Palmira. Predatory mites were found rarely, although Cheletogenes omatus species was an exception because it was found almost frequency on the samples from Hacienda “Brasiir over leaves and fruits of “Valle del Cauca” variety.
By means of preliminary study of dynamics of population of three species mentioned, P. oleivora A., Lorryia turialbensis B. and Brevipalpus phoenicis G., with basis of half-monthly countings of samples hundred leaves and twenty fruits, taken at random, on a block of twenty trees previously selected and which had not received treatment with chemical products, its was observed that occured a permanent fluctuation of populations with a larger density of the citrus rust mite and the red flat mite in the small trees of the Nursery of Facultad de Agronomia - Palmira, Nursery trees do not present Lorryia sp.
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