Caracterización de indicadores de la calidad del fruto en líneas de fresa transgénicas con genes silenciados que codifican para enzimas pectinolíticas
Characterization of quality traits in transgenic strawberry fruits with genes encoding pectinolytic enzymes down-regulated
DOI: clave:
maduración de frutos, pared celular, pectinas, postcosecha, transformación genética (es)cell wall, fruit ripening, genetic transformation, pectins, postharvest (en)
Some quality traits of transgenic strawberry fruits with low levels of expression of the pectinase genes FaPG1 (PG lines) or FaplC gene (APEL lines) were evaluated. Two independent lines per transgenic genotype were analyzed. Soluble solids were similar in control and transgenic lines. Similarly, pH and titratable acidity was similar in lines PG29, APEL21 and control; however, lines PG62 and APEL39 showed acidity values higher than the control. The color parameters L*, a* and b* were similar in control and transgenic fruits; however, line APEL21 displayed a lower value of anthocyanin content. The highest values of fruit firmness, measured with an extrusion test, were observed in both PG transgenic lines and in the APEL39 line. Regarding the drip loss, APEL39 line showed a higher value than the control, but the APEL21 line displayed lower values. The content of phenolic compounds was analyzed in line PG29, not observing significant differences with the control. Finally, the antiradical activity of the fruit was slightly lower in the line PG29 than in the control. The results obtained indicate that the silencing of the pectinase genes increases the firmness of the fruit without substantially modifying other quality parameters such as color, acidity, soluble solids or anthocyanin content.
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1. Candelas Paniagua, Pablo Ric-Varas, Juan A García-Gago, Gloria López-Casado, Rosario Blanco-Portales, Juan Muñoz-Blanco, Julia Schückel, J Paul Knox, Antonio J Matas, Miguel A Quesada, Sara Posé, José A Mercado, Ariel Vicente. (2020). Elucidating the role of polygalacturonase genes in strawberry fruit softening. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(22), p.7103.
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