Inducción de poliploidía con clochicina en vitroplantas de Aloe vera (L.)
Induction of polyploidy with colchicine in vitroplants of Aloe vera ( L.)
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Inducción de poliploidía, in vitro. (es)Polyploidy induction, in vitro. (en)
The artificial induction of polyploidy is a plant breeding technique used in plants of medicinal interest. However, few species of the genus Aloe have been subjected to this treatment. The objective of this research is to standardize the induction technique of polyploidy in vitroplants of Aloe vera (L.). An experimental design was performed with two groups (control and experimental), to which a cytogenetic study was applied pre and post treatment for three consecutive generations. Three concentrations of colchicine (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15%) and two exposure times (48 and 72 hours) were considered. The control vitroplants kept in distilled water (without colchicine) for 48 and 72 hours (T1 and T2 respectively) and those treated with colchicine´s solution at 0.05% for 48 and 72 hours (T3 and T4 respectively), presented few cytogenetic changes, being diploid most of their cells. Plants treated with 0.10% colchicine´s solution for 48 and 72 hours (T5 and T6 respectively) achieved chromosomal duplication in more than the 50% of the tissue. Those treated with a concentration of 0.15% for 48 hours (T7) showed chimeric tissue with a high predominance of polyploid cells, and by increasing the exposure time to 72 hours (T8) all cells were polyploid, but the development of these plants in vitro were abnormal and with necrotic tissue. Plants with T5, developed better than with T6. The use of colchicine at a concentration of 0.10% for 48 hours is recommended to obtain polyploid vitroplants in A. vera.
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1. Tamara Molero, Said Kas-Danouche. (2022). Estimation of aloin concentration in Aloe vera L. (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) by mathematical modeling. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del Zulia, 39(1), p.e223913.
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