La demografía de Puya hamata como indicador de la historia de fuegos recientes en el páramo de El Ángel y Volcán Chiles, Ecuador-Colombia
https://doi.org/10.15446/caldasia.v36n1.43891Palabras clave:
Bromeliaceae, burning, Ecuador, giant puya, mortality, páramo, population dynamics, seedling recruitment, semelparity (en)Bromeliaceae, dinámica poblacional, Ecuador, mortalidad, páramo, puya gigante, quemas, reclutamiento de plántulas, semelparidad (es)
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5. Maya A. Zomer, Paul M. Ramsay. (2018). Espeletia giant rosette plants are reliable biological indicators of time since fire in Andean grasslands. Plant Ecology, 219(1), p.79. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-017-0779-x.
6. Mery L. Suni, Giovana P. Vadillo, Gerson E. Prado, Liscely Tumi, Paul M. Ramsay. (2025). A developmental classification system for the comparison of Puya raimondii giant Andean rosettes. Alpine Botany, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00035-024-00326-8.
7. Gabriel Rivadeneira, Paul M. Ramsay, Rommel Montúfar. (2020). Fire regimes and pollinator behaviour explain the genetic structure of Puya hamata (Bromeliaceae) rosette plants. Alpine Botany, 130(1), p.13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00035-020-00234-7.
8. Pasquale Borrelli, Dolors Armenteras, Panos Panagos, Sirio Modugno, Brigitta Schütt. (2015). The Implications of Fire Management in the Andean Paramo: A Preliminary Assessment Using Satellite Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 7(9), p.11061. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70911061.
9. Maya A. Zomer, Paul M Ramsay, Markus Bernhardt‐Römermann. (2021). Post‐fire changes in plant growth form composition and diversity in Andean páramo grassland. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(1) https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12554.
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