

Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain

Selección del paisaje urbano de la tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto) en el este de España


Palabras clave:

Habitat selection, parks, urbanization, Distribution expansion (en)
Selección de hábitat, parques, urbanización, Expansión de distribución (es)



The Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) is an invader species, and its distribution is continuously on the increase. Today its expansion has spread to the American continent. In this study we describe the effects of the urban environment on the Eurasian collared dove in eastern Spain. The abundance and presence of this dove were analyzed in 46 localities using counting points. Overall, 220-point counts were surveyed between autumn 2015 and late-winter 2016. A hierarchical partitioning analysis was used to identify explanatory variables of different types such as resources, climate and urban structure, and human presence, which may influence the presence and abundance of this species. In the case of presence, the number of town inhabitants, parks, mean minimum temperature, exotic vegetation and schools had a positive association, while pedestrian number and restaurants had a negative association. Abundance was positively related to native vegetation, exotic vegetation, and water, while urban area was negatively associated with it. Exotic vegetation was the only variable that has a positive relation to presence and abundance. These results can help to predict the use of urban habitats in potential localities for its invasion.

La tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto) es una especie invasora y su ámbito de distribución aumenta continuamente. Hoy en día, su expansión incluye el continente americano. En este estudio se describen los efectos que el ambiente urbano tiene sobre la tórtola turca en el este de España. Se muestrearon 46 localidades mediante puntos de conteo. La abundancia de la tórtola turca fue evaluada en 220 puntos de conteo entre otoño de 2015 y finales de invierno 2016. Se utilizó el análisis de partición jerárquica para identificar variables explicativas como recursos, clima y estructura urbana, y presencia humana, que pueden influir en su presencia y abundancia. En el caso de la presencia de la especie, el número de habitantes de la ciudad, parques, temperatura media, vegetación exótica y colegios tuvieron una asociación positiva, mientras que el número de peatones y los restaurantes estuvieron negativamente asociados. La abundancia estuvo positivamente relacionada con la vegetación nativa, vegetación exótica y el agua, mientras que la zona urbana estuvo negativamente asociada. Estos resultados pueden predecir el uso de hábitats urbanos en localidades potenciales para su invasión.


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Cómo citar


Bermúdez-Cavero, A. O., Bernat-Ponce, E., Gil-Delgado, J. A. y López-Iborra, G. M. (2021). Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain. Caldasia, 43(1), 138–148.


Bermúdez-Cavero, A.O., Bernat-Ponce, E., Gil-Delgado, J.A. y López-Iborra, G.M. 2021. Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain. Caldasia. 43, 1 (ene. 2021), 138–148. DOI:


Bermúdez-Cavero, A. O.; Bernat-Ponce, E.; Gil-Delgado, J. A.; López-Iborra, G. M. Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain. Caldasia 2021, 43, 138-148.


BERMÚDEZ-CAVERO, A. O.; BERNAT-PONCE, E.; GIL-DELGADO, J. A.; LÓPEZ-IBORRA, G. M. Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain. Caldasia, [S. l.], v. 43, n. 1, p. 138–148, 2021. DOI: 10.15446/caldasia.v43n1.82214. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 feb. 2025.


Bermúdez-Cavero, Alan Omar, Edgar Bernat-Ponce, José Antonio Gil-Delgado, y Germán Manuel López-Iborra. 2021. «Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain». Caldasia 43 (1):138-48.


Bermúdez-Cavero, A. O., Bernat-Ponce, E., Gil-Delgado, J. A. y López-Iborra, G. M. (2021) «Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain», Caldasia, 43(1), pp. 138–148. doi: 10.15446/caldasia.v43n1.82214.


A. O. Bermúdez-Cavero, E. Bernat-Ponce, J. A. Gil-Delgado, y G. M. López-Iborra, «Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain», Caldasia, vol. 43, n.º 1, pp. 138–148, ene. 2021.


Bermúdez-Cavero, A. O., E. Bernat-Ponce, J. A. Gil-Delgado, y G. M. López-Iborra. «Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain». Caldasia, vol. 43, n.º 1, enero de 2021, pp. 138-4, doi:10.15446/caldasia.v43n1.82214.


Bermúdez-Cavero, Alan Omar, Edgar Bernat-Ponce, José Antonio Gil-Delgado, y Germán Manuel López-Iborra. «Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain». Caldasia 43, no. 1 (enero 1, 2021): 138–148. Accedido febrero 1, 2025.


Bermúdez-Cavero AO, Bernat-Ponce E, Gil-Delgado JA, López-Iborra GM. Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain. Caldasia [Internet]. 1 de enero de 2021 [citado 1 de febrero de 2025];43(1):138-4. Disponible en:

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CrossRef citations8

1. Alan Omar Bermúdez-Cavero, Edgar Bernat-Ponce, José Antonio Gil-Delgado, Germán Manuel López-Iborra, Iván Rodríguez-Navarrete. (2023). El efecto de los observadores y la estructura urbana en las estimaciones poblacionales en la tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto). Caldasia, 46(2), p.421.

2. A. Eddajjani, S. Hanane, A. El Kandry, A. Qninba. (2022). The association strength of landscape composition and spatial structure governs occurrence of invasive Eurasian collared-doves and expanding woodpigeons in a Mediterranean urban environment. Landscape Ecology, 37(8), p.2007.

3. David Sánchez-Sotomayor, Antonio Martín-Higuera, José A Gil-Delgado, Ángel Gálvez, Edgar Bernat-Ponce. (2023). Artificial grass in parks as a potential new threat for urban bird communities. Bird Conservation International, 33

4. Edgar Bernat‐Ponce, Laura Domínguez‐Pérez, José A. Gil‐Delgado. (2024). Habitat selection by invaders: Avoiding natural habitats by the red‐whiskered bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus. Ecological Research, 39(2), p.182.

5. Chaymae Chahboun, Saâd Hanane, Benaceur Chehboun, Abdeljebbar Qninba. (2024). How nesting support type interacts with vegetation greening and distance to nest trees of mixed-species to predict white stork nest density in a Mediterranean capital. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 102(12), p.950.

6. Michelle García-Arroyo, Miguel A. Gómez-Martínez, Ian MacGregor-Fors. (2022). The queen of the island: On the density and distribution of the Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in Cozumel. Urban Ecosystems, 25(1), p.285.

7. Aicha Eddajjani, Saâd Hanane, Foued Hamza, Kamal Agharroud, Ayoub El Kandry, Abdeljebbar Qninba. (2024). Assessing the importance of landscape, anthropogenic and spatial factors in predicting urban nesting sites: the Columbidae of the city of Rabat (Morocco) as a case study. Journal of Urban Ecology, 10(1)

8. Morteza Banisaffar, Afshin Alizadeh Shabani. (2024). Factors influencing nest site selection of the Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) in an urban area in Karaj, Iran. Ornis Hungarica, 32(2), p.117.



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