

Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus


Locus Primus, Saurauia anolaimensis, Saurauia aromatica, Saurauia brachybotrys, Saurauia caquetensis, Saurauia chiliantha, Saurauia echinosepala, Saurauia excelsa, Saurauia Humboldtiana, Saurauia narcissifragrans (es)
Locus Primus, Saurauia anolaimensis, Saurauia aromatica, Saurauia brachybotrys, Saurauia caquetensis, Saurauia chiliantha, Saurauia echinosepala, Saurauia excelsa, Saurauia Humboldtiana, Saurauia narcissifragrans (en)


  • Richard Evans Schultes Harvard Botanical Museum

As a result of preliminary studies towards a revision of the American species of Saurauia, I have found it advisable to present the following notes on new or otherwise interesting species from Colombia.  Mosf of the classical collections of New World species. of Saurauia are preserved in European herbaria. These are at present unavailable for study. For this reason, I have thought it valuable to call attention to recent and ample collections which have either been compared with authentic material or which have been critically determined. It is with pleasure that I thank Miss Inés de Zulueta and Mr. Gordon W. Dillon for their beautifully executed drawings of several  of the new species herein described.

As a result of preliminary studies towards a revision of the American species of Saurauia, I have found it advisable to present the following notes on new or otherwise interesting species from Colombia.  Mosf of the classical collections of New World species. of Saurauia are preserved in European herbaria. These are at present unavailable for study. For this reason, I have thought it valuable to call attention to recent and ample collections which have either been compared with authentic material or which have been critically determined.  It is with pleasure that I thank Miss Inés de Zulueta and Mr. Gordon W. Dillon for their beautifully executed drawings of several of the new species herein described.

How to Cite


Schultes, R. E. (1943). Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus. Caldasia, (6), 27–45.


Schultes, R.E. 1943. Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus. Caldasia. 6 (Jan. 1943), 27–45.


Schultes, R. E. Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus. Caldasia 1943, 27-45.


SCHULTES, R. E. Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus. Caldasia, [S. l.], n. 6, p. 27–45, 1943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2025.


Schultes, Richard Evans. 1943. “Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus”. Caldasia, no. 6 (January):27-45.


Schultes, R. E. (1943) “Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus”, Caldasia, (6), pp. 27–45. Available at: (Accessed: 14 January 2025).


R. E. Schultes, “Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus”, Caldasia, no. 6, pp. 27–45, Jan. 1943.


Schultes, R. E. “Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus”. Caldasia, no. 6, Jan. 1943, pp. 27-45,


Schultes, Richard Evans. “Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus”. Caldasia, no. 6 (January 1, 1943): 27–45. Accessed January 14, 2025.


Schultes RE. Plantae Colombianae. – III: Investigationes Specierum Saurauiae: Locus Primus. Caldasia [Internet]. 1943 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];(6):27-45. Available from:

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