

Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia

Sistemas silvopastoriles como alternativa para conservación de los escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en un paisaje ganadero en Caucasia Colombia



Agroforestry system, bioindicator, extensive livestock, Scarabaeinae, true diversity (en)
Bioindicador, diversidad verdadera, ganadería extensiva, sistema agroforestal, Scarabaeinae (es)



Silvopastoral systems (SPS) represent an alternative to the environmental impact and biodiversity decline caused by extensive livestock practices. We evaluate the transformation of a conventional pasture parcel into a SPS, and how it alters the diversity of dung beetles, fundamental organisms in these ecosystems. Transects with pitfall traps, baited with excrement were established in SPS, pasture, and forest ecosystems. Differences in the structure of communities were compared through Whittaker curves, the incidence of functional groups, and non-parametric multidimensional scaling. The completeness of the sampling was estimated and the magnitude of change in qD diversity of the SPS concerning pasture and forest ecosystem was calculated for each season. A total of 7446 beetles belonging to twelve genera, fifteen species, and seven morphospecies were collected. The SPS was the environment with the greatest diversity of qD and functional groups after the forest ecosystem. It was more diverse than pasture, 30 % to 50 % richer in species and 10 % to 50 % more diverse in 1D and 2D. It is concluded that the conversion of the conventional pastures to SPS led to changes in the composition and structure of the beetle community, making the SPS a more diverse environment than the pasture in all seasons including the dry one, when conditions are the most adverse. These results suggest that the implementation of SPS is an important measure to preserve and increase the diversity of forest dung beetles in the livestock areas of the country.

Los sistemas silvopastoriles (SSP) representan una alternativa para disminuir el impacto sobre la biodiversidad y la transformación de los ecosistemas causado por la ganadería extensiva. Evaluamos cómo la transformación de un pastizal en un SSP altera la diversidad de escarabajos coprófagos, organismos fundamentales en estos ecosistemas. En ecosistemas de pastizal, SSP y bosque, se instalaron transectos con trampas de caída cebadas con excremento. Las diferencias en la estructura de las comunidades se compararon mediante curvas Whittaker, incidencia de grupos funcionales y escalamiento multidimensional. Se estimó la completitud del muestreo y se calculó la magnitud del cambio en diversidad qD del SSP respecto al pastizal y al bosque para cada temporada. Se recolectaron 7446 escarabajos pertenecientes a doce géneros, quince especies y siete morfoespecies. El SSP fue el ambiente con mayor diversidad qD y grupos funcionales después del bosque. Más diverso que el pastizal, entre 30 % y 50 % más rico en especies y entre 10 % y 50 % con mayor diversidad 1D y 2D respectivamente. Se concluye que la conversión de los pastizales tradicionales a sistemas SSP conduce a cambios en la composición y estructura de la comunidad de escarabajos, haciendo del SSP un ambiente más diverso que el pastizal en todas las temporadas incluso en la época de sequía cuando las condiciones son adversas. Estos resultados sugieren que la implementación de los SSP es una medida importante para la conservación e incremento de la diversidad de los escarabajos coprófagos del bosque en las zonas ganaderas del país.


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How to Cite


Duque-Vélez, P., Olivera-Angel, M. and Wolff, M. (2022). Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia. Caldasia, 44(1), 184–193.


Duque-Vélez, P., Olivera-Angel, M. and Wolff, M. 2022. Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia. Caldasia. 44, 1 (Jan. 2022), 184–193. DOI:


Duque-Vélez, P.; Olivera-Angel, M.; Wolff, M. Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia. Caldasia 2022, 44, 184-193.


DUQUE-VÉLEZ, P.; OLIVERA-ANGEL, M.; WOLFF, M. Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia. Caldasia, [S. l.], v. 44, n. 1, p. 184–193, 2022. DOI: 10.15446/caldasia.v44n1.83102. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.


Duque-Vélez, Patricia, Martha Olivera-Angel, and Marta Wolff. 2022. “Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia”. Caldasia 44 (1):184-93.


Duque-Vélez, P., Olivera-Angel, M. and Wolff, M. (2022) “Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia”, Caldasia, 44(1), pp. 184–193. doi: 10.15446/caldasia.v44n1.83102.


P. Duque-Vélez, M. Olivera-Angel, and M. Wolff, “Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia”, Caldasia, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 184–193, Jan. 2022.


Duque-Vélez, P., M. Olivera-Angel, and M. Wolff. “Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia”. Caldasia, vol. 44, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 184-93, doi:10.15446/caldasia.v44n1.83102.


Duque-Vélez, Patricia, Martha Olivera-Angel, and Marta Wolff. “Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia”. Caldasia 44, no. 1 (January 3, 2022): 184–193. Accessed February 16, 2025.


Duque-Vélez P, Olivera-Angel M, Wolff M. Silvopastoral systems as an alternative for conservation of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a cattle landscape in Caucasia Colombia. Caldasia [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];44(1):184-93. Available from:

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