Las teorías del desarrollo a principios del siglo XXI
Development theory at the beginning of the twanty-first century
Palabras clave:
Teorías de desarrollo, evolución interna, estado, mercado, planificación, rentabilidad, Blast, proceso, supresión, derechos humanos, capital, avance teórico y practico, organizaciones comunitarias (es)Descargas
This article reviews the current state of development theory taking into account the historical experience and internal evolution of the theory since the end of the Second World War. Although understanding of development has improved, undue generalizations have been made and unfounded lessons have been extracted. Sen rejects the opposi tion between state and market and between planning and profitability, and emphasizes the differences between two ideal and extreme visions of development: the BLAST concepti, which he considers to be a cruel process of 'blood, sweat and tears', and the GALA concept, which he considers friendly and coopera tive. He critiques the idea that the suppression of human rights and other 'sacrifices' are necessary in the first stages of development. He demonstrates that the concept of human capital is a theoretical and practical advance, but still insufficient since it conceives of the human being as a mere instrument and not as an end in itself. He proposes a more profound vision which accepts the importance of the capability of the population to value, choose, and act freely; thus, combining the action of the sta te, the functioning of the market, and the role of community organizations, development should provide to the entire population the opportunities necessary to live with dignity and exercise full freedom.
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