Acumulación y comercio exterior desde una perspectiva centro-periferia
Accumulation and foreign trade from a center-periphery perspective
Comercio exterior, división internacional del trabajo, mecanismos económicos, acumulación de capital, extensión de mercados, capitalismo, precios nacionales, tasas de ganancia, acumulación industrial, mercantil (es)Downloads
trade in the capital accumulation process must be analyzed. By going back to this problem in the classical analysis, some pieces of a new puzzle can be found. Smith's theory of the extension of the market, the structural heterogeneity of capitalism expressed in the differentiation of national price systems and profit rates according to Ricardo, and the foundations of the forms of mercantile and industrial accumulation in Marx are the new elements. The profit rate improves the conditions of accumulation when it exploits the differences in the national price systems. In the process of accumulation, the mechanisms of industrial accumulation operate in the interior, and they are strengthened by the
mechanisms of mercantile accumulation which operate in external trade. As a consequence, the extension of the market outward to the periphery is only viable to the extent that this zone offers compensations which improve the condi tions determining the rates of profi t and accumulation
in the center.
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