Externalidades en la industria colombiana
sector manufacturero, modelos macroeconómicos, productividad (es)Downloads
Se presenta una prueba empírica del modelo Caballero-Lyons [1989] para 28 industrias colombianas a dos dígitos utilizando da tos de producto bruto y valor agregado, mediante estimaciones de panel. Tanto a nivel del agregado manufacturero como a nivel de rama no existe evidencia de economías de escala. A nivel de industria existe una externalidad agregada positiva que va de 0.38% al 0.25% por cada punta porcentual de aumento de la actividad manufacturera. Las variaciones en esfuerzo, utilización a los cambios de política no afectan significativamente este resultado.
A test of the Caballero-Lyons [1989] model of external effects in manut-acturing is performed with a gross output and value added data set of 28 two-digit industries for Colombia, using panel data estimation techniques. Both at aggregate and at industry level there is no evidence of economies of scale. At industry level there is a positive aggregate externality that ranges from 0.38% to 0.25% for a one-percent increase in aggregate manufacturing activity. The effect of effort, capacity utilization or policy regimes does not seem to affect significantly these results.
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