

About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points


Ingeniería estructural, Análisis estructural, Estructuras, Diseño de estructuras, Esfuerzos y deformaciones, Resistencia de materiales, Hormigón armado (es)


  • Gabriel García .

Nota: El contenido de este artículo fue concebido como explicación de un grave accidente ocurrido por el diseño de una estructura de hormigón, hacia fines de 1970. Su destinatario era el American Concrete Institute, y esta es la razón fundamental de que haya sido escrito en inglés.

La reacción del A.C.I. no fue concluyente, pues al parecer exigían comprobación experimental del fenómeno. En la Facultad de Minas llevamos a cabo, en estos momentos, una investigación, financiada por Colciencias, que aunque no intenta corroborar la distribución de tensiones dada en la formula (9) del artículo, con inclusión de los fenómenos de fluencia y microfisuración, se relaciona íntimamente con aquel, pues tratamos de encontrar una forma racional de diseño de las piezas curvas, codos, etc., de hormigón armado, con resultados hasta la fecha muy alentadores.

Synopsis: A Method is developed to calculate the radius of bending of the principal reinforcing bars, at maximum tension stress points in curved members, corners of rigid frames, etc. A formula is found wich permits computation of lateral forces tending to split the concrete, caused by the curvature of the principal steel reinforcement. The solution is found by means of simple methods of static equilibrium, and hos been confirmed by other solutions using the "Theory of Elasticity". Some comparisons with the 318-63, and 318-71 and other rational norms and recommendation about stirrup utilization are made.

(Texto tomado de la fuente)


(1) "Tratado del Hormigón Armado" (Treatise of Reinforced Concrete) art. 1.231 pag. 78. G. Franz. Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A. Barcelona. Spanish translation of "Konstrucktionslehre des Stahlbetons" Springer Verlag. Berlin.

(2) "Hormigón Pretensado" (Prestressed Concrete) Chap. 3 pag. 81 Leonhardt. Instituto Eduardo Torroja Madrid 1967. Spanish Translation of "Spannbeton für die Praxis". Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin Munchen.

(3) A.C.I. 318-63 Chap 8-801, part c-2o., pag. 28.

(4) Theory of Elasticity" pag. 85. Timoshenko and Goodier, Mc-Graw Hill.

(5) "Resistence des Materiaux". R. L'Hermite pag. 97 (Strength of Materials) Dunod, Paris, I.T.B.T.P.

(6) "Proposed Revision of A.C.I. 318-63" Journal of the American Concrete Institute, February 1970.

(7) "Béton Précontraint" by Y. Guyon I.T.B.T.P. Eyrolloc Editeur Paris. 1958, pag. 205.

How to Cite


G. García, “About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points”, DYNA, no. 90, pp. 19 –, May 1975.


García, G. 1975. About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points. DYNA. 90 (May 1975), 19 –.


García, G. About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points. DYNA 1975, 19 -.


García, G. (1975). About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points. DYNA, (90), 19 –.


GARCÍA, G. About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points. DYNA, [S. l.], n. 90, p. 19 –, 1975. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jul. 2024.


García, Gabriel. 1975. “About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points”. DYNA, no. 90 (May):19 -.


García, G. (1975) “About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points”, DYNA, (90), pp. 19 –. Available at: (Accessed: 15 July 2024).


García, G. “About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points”. DYNA, no. 90, May 1975, pp. 19 -,


García, Gabriel. “About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points”. DYNA, no. 90 (May 30, 1975): 19 –. Accessed July 15, 2024.


García G. About the radius of bending that must be given to concrete members principal reinforcement at maximun tension stress points. DYNA [Internet]. 1975 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 15];(90):19 -. Available from:

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