

Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)

Análisis de sensibilidad y herramientas SIG para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de las aguas subterráneas. (Aplicación en la llanura de Chellif Medio, Argelia)



Vulnerability, DRASTIC method, Sensitivity Analysis, Pollution Middle Cheliff, Algeria (en)
Vulnerabilidad, método DRASTIC, Análisis de sensibilidad, Contaminación Medio Cheliff, Argelia (es)



  • Saci Nadjai Laboratory for fire safety engineering of buildings and protection of their urban and periurban environment
  • Hichem Khammar Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment, University of Oum el Bouaghi Faculty of Exact Sciences and Life and Nature Sciences, 04000, Algeria
  • Mahreez Boulebaiz Department of Ecology and Environmnt, Abbas Laghrour University, PO Box 1252, Route de Batna, 40004, Khenchela, Algeria
  • Abdelkader Nadir Nabed Laboratory for fire safety engineering of buildings and protection of their urban and periurban environment
  • Lahcen Benaabidate Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment Engineering, Faculty of science and technology, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah. P.O.Box: 2202, Fez 30000, Morocco

Contamination due to rapid urban development, industrialization, and agricultural sources is increasingly threatening the groundwater resources of the plioquaternary phreatic aquifer of the Middle Western Cheliff. An intrinsic vulnerability assessment was carried out based on the DRASTIC method on parameters involved in the vertical transfer of pollution from the soil surface. The vulnerability maps obtained showed a high extension of areas of medium vulnerability (54%). On the other hand, areas of low vulnerability occupied about 36%. The high and very high vulnerability was mainly related to low water depth values (8% and 2%, respectively).  The results of a sensitivity analysis using the two tests—the single parameter sensitivity analysis and the map removal sensitivity analysis—show that every parameter is, without fail, required for the computation of the vulnerability index. The validation of the vulnerability map produced by the DRASTIC method confirmed the evolution of this sensitivity which decreases towards the S.W. of the plain with nitrate concentrations between 30 and 120 mg/L. Planners can use the produced risk maps as tools to make a preliminary choice of priority locations for various forms of environmental sustainability.


La contaminación debida al rápido desarrollo urbano, la industrialización y las fuentes agrícolas amenaza cada vez más los recursos hídricos subterráneos del acuífero freático pliocuaternario del Cheliff medio occidental. En este estudio se llevó a cabo una evaluación de la vulnerabilidad intrínseca basada en el método DRASTIC sobre los parámetros que intervienen en la transferencia vertical de la contaminación desde la superficie del suelo. Los mapas de vulnerabilidad obtenidos mostraron una elevada extensión de zonas de vulnerabilidad media (54%). Por otro lado, las zonas de vulnerabilidad baja ocupaban alrededor del 36%. La vulnerabilidad alta y muy alta estaba relacionada principalmente con valores bajos de profundidad del agua (8% y 2%, respectivamente).  Los resultados de un análisis de sensibilidad utilizando las dos pruebas -el análisis de sensibilidad de un solo parámetro y el análisis de sensibilidad de eliminación de mapas- muestran que todos los parámetros son, sin excepción, necesarios para el cálculo del índice de vulnerabilidad. La validación del mapa de vulnerabilidad producido por el método DRASTIC confirmó la evolución de esta sensibilidad que disminuye hacia el S.O. de la llanura con concentraciones de nitrato entre 30 y 120 mg/L. Los planificadores pueden utilizar los mapas de riesgo producidos como herramientas para hacer una elección preliminar de los lugares prioritarios para las distintas formas de sostenibilidad medioambiental.


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How to Cite


Nadjai, S., Khammar, H., Boulebaiz, M. ., Nabed, A. N. and Benaabidate, L. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria). Earth Sciences Research Journal, 28(1), 65–72.


Nadjai, S., Khammar, H., Boulebaiz, M. , Nabed, A.N. and Benaabidate, L. 2024. Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria). Earth Sciences Research Journal. 28, 1 (May 2024), 65–72. DOI:


Nadjai, S.; Khammar, H.; Boulebaiz, M. .; Nabed, A. N.; Benaabidate, L. Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria). Earth sci. res. j. 2024, 28, 65-72.


NADJAI, S.; KHAMMAR, H.; BOULEBAIZ, M. .; NABED, A. N.; BENAABIDATE, L. Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria). Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 1, p. 65–72, 2024. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v28n1.106588. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Nadjai, Saci, Hichem Khammar, Mahreez Boulebaiz, Abdelkader Nadir Nabed, and Lahcen Benaabidate. 2024. “Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 28 (1):65-72.


Nadjai, S., Khammar, H., Boulebaiz, M. ., Nabed, A. N. and Benaabidate, L. (2024) “Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 28(1), pp. 65–72. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v28n1.106588.


S. Nadjai, H. Khammar, M. . Boulebaiz, A. N. Nabed, and L. Benaabidate, “Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 65–72, May 2024.


Nadjai, S., H. Khammar, M. . Boulebaiz, A. N. Nabed, and L. Benaabidate. “Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 28, no. 1, May 2024, pp. 65-72, doi:10.15446/esrj.v28n1.106588.


Nadjai, Saci, Hichem Khammar, Mahreez Boulebaiz, Abdelkader Nadir Nabed, and Lahcen Benaabidate. “Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria)”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 28, no. 1 (May 28, 2024): 65–72. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Nadjai S, Khammar H, Boulebaiz M, Nabed AN, Benaabidate L. Sensitivity Analysis and GIS Tools for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment. (Application in the Middle Chellif Plain, Algeria). Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2024 May 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];28(1):65-72. Available from:

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1. Ouahiba Bouchama, Lounes Amar. (2025). Monitoring surface water pollution in Algeria using database indices. Soil and Water Research, 20(1), p.43.



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