

Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic

Cuantificación de la distribución estadística de la Actividad de Ciclones Tropicales según el registro histórico para la República Dominicana



Tropical Storms, Statistical Analysis of TCs, Dominican Republic Hurricanes, Caribbean Sea Hurricanes (en)
Tormentas tropicales, Análisis estadístico de los CTs, Huracanes en República Dominicana, Huracanes en el Mar Caribe (es)



  • Santo Trinidad Alvarez Ysabel UPC-Barcelonatech
  • Gustavo Adolfo Agredo Cardona UNAL
  • David Felipe Rincón Civil engineering Department, UNAL-Manizales, Colombia

 In this study, we re-examined the Official Hurricane Database from the National Hurricane Center (HURDAT-NHC), an agency associated with NOAA, for tropical cyclone activity from 1851 to 2012for the Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Basin.  We performed analyses at two different levels for the island (i.e., all of the storm tracks in the Caribbean Basin near to the study area that made landfall and all of the events that crossed the Dominican Republic from a radius of 300 km from the coastline). This study includes the statistical occurrence of these phenomena during the study period and the climatological analysis of all tropical cyclone tracks (112 total events) by decadal seasonal distribution, fifty-year seasonal distribution and monthly seasonal distribution to show the lowest and highest activities. We performed wavelet analysis on the continuous data over a long time series to determine the important frequencies. This analysis provided a general statistical conclusion resulting from the data collected. A landfall probability for the study area corresponding to the long time series of (it’s 162) years within a radius of ~100, ~185 and ~300 km, based on the historical climatology tropical cyclone tracks, reveals the likelihood of a strike for a major or a minor hurricane. We present a review of the tropical cyclone activities that passed the Dominican Republic, which also forms part of the author’s dissertation. 

Para el presente estudio se ha tomado la Base de Datos Oficial para Huracanes del Centro Nacional de Huracanes (HURDAT-NHC), dependencia de la NOAA, correspondiente al período de 1851-2012 relativos a ciclónicas tropicales para la República Dominicana (Isla Hispaniola) en la Cuenca del Caribe.  El análisis ha sido realizado de dos formas diferentes considerando la geografía de la isla (todos los puntos de posicionamiento de los eventos en la Cuenca del Caribe que han impactado el área de estudio al tocar tierra –impactado-- y todos los eventos que han atravesado la República Dominicana en un radio de ~300 km.  Se presenta un estudio estadístico de la ocurrencia de estos fenómenos durante el citado período, incluyendo un análisis climatológico de todos los ciclones tropicales que se han registrado (112 eventos en total) en distribuciones decanales, cincuentenarios y mensuales, indicando la de menor y mayor actividad.  Por igual se ha ejecutado un análisis de ondeletas sobre los datos continuos de la serie de tiempo para determinar importantes frecuencias. Finalmente mostramos una probabilidad de ocurrencia de que uno de estos fenómenos toque tierra basado en una serie de 162 años para el área de estudio, dentro de un radio de ~100, ~185 y ~300 km, teniendo en cuenta la climatología de huracanes la cual revela la probabilidad de ser impactado tanto por un evento de menor o mayor categoría.  El autor muestra una perspectiva de la actividad ciclónica para el área de la República Dominicana la cual forma parte de su tesis doctoral. 


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How to Cite


Alvarez Ysabel, S. T., Agredo Cardona, G. A. and Rincón, D. F. (2017). Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(4), 159–167.


Alvarez Ysabel, S.T., Agredo Cardona, G.A. and Rincón, D.F. 2017. Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 21, 4 (Oct. 2017), 159–167. DOI:


Alvarez Ysabel, S. T.; Agredo Cardona, G. A.; Rincón, D. F. Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic. Earth sci. res. j. 2017, 21, 159-167.


ALVAREZ YSABEL, S. T.; AGREDO CARDONA, G. A.; RINCÓN, D. F. Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 4, p. 159–167, 2017. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v21n4.63425. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Alvarez Ysabel, Santo Trinidad, Gustavo Adolfo Agredo Cardona, and David Felipe Rincón. 2017. “Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21 (4):159-67.


Alvarez Ysabel, S. T., Agredo Cardona, G. A. and Rincón, D. F. (2017) “Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(4), pp. 159–167. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v21n4.63425.


S. T. Alvarez Ysabel, G. A. Agredo Cardona, and D. F. Rincón, “Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 159–167, Oct. 2017.


Alvarez Ysabel, S. T., G. A. Agredo Cardona, and D. F. Rincón. “Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 21, no. 4, Oct. 2017, pp. 159-67, doi:10.15446/esrj.v21n4.63425.


Alvarez Ysabel, Santo Trinidad, Gustavo Adolfo Agredo Cardona, and David Felipe Rincón. “Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21, no. 4 (October 1, 2017): 159–167. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Alvarez Ysabel ST, Agredo Cardona GA, Rincón DF. Quantifying the statistical distribution of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the historical record of the Dominican Republic. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];21(4):159-67. Available from:

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1. Pamela Michel, Jeanette Chaljub Hasbún. (2024). Gestión integral de riesgo de desastres en República Dominicana: Pequeño Estado Insular en Desarrollo. Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía, 33(1)



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