

Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico

Índices de calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola en el Soconusco, Chiapas, México



salinity, sodicity, osmotic pressure, sodium adsorption ratio, electrical conductivity, irrigation, aquifer (en)
salinidad, sodicidad, presión osmótica, relación de adsorción de sodio, conductividad eléctrica, riego, acuífero. (es)



  • Germán Santacruz de León Programa "Agua y Sociedad" El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
  • José Alfredo Ramos Leal División de Geociencias Aplicadas del Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
  • Janete Morán Ramírez División de Geociencias Aplicadas del Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
  • Briseida López Álvarez Programa "Agua y Sociedad" El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
  • Eugenio Eliseo Santacruz de León Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

In Soconusco, Chiapas, in spite of the high availability of surface water, it is resorting to the use of groundwater. Knowledge about the quality of surface or groundwater used to irrigate crops in that region is low. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of the quality of groundwater for agricultural use through the characterization of the spatial variability. Assuming a random spatial distribution of 45 samples which were collected in situ were determined: acidity and alkalinity (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), cations and anions and trace elements; in addition to the agricultural index: Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP), Sodium Percentage (% Na), Kelly Ratio (KR), Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR), Permeability Index (PI), Effective Salinity (ES), Salinity Potential (SP) and Osmotic Potential (OP). In general, SSP, % Na, KR, PI are low, there is only one anomalous point (9) with high values at W of the study area. Similarly, PS, ES, Cl, Na and SAR are low except point 16 and conversely, RSC and pH are high, except at this point located in the center of the study area. The results allow us to infer that the water in that aquifer presents no problems or sodicity toxic ions. In 27 sites sampled values above 250 µmhos/cm were found at 25°C, classified as medium to high risk of salinity, unsuitable for agricultural use. Analysis of the combined effect of the presence of sodium (SAR) and salinity (EC or TDS) shows that 27 of analyzing sites have restricted water medium at very high for use in irrigation.

En el Soconusco, Chiapas, a pesar de la alta disponibilidad de agua superficial, se recurre al uso del agua subterránea. El conocimiento de la calidad del agua superficial o subterránea utilizada para el riego de los cultivos en la región es bajo. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola a través de la caracterización de su variabilidad espacial. Asumiendo  una distribución espacial aleatoria, se colectaron 45 muestras, a las que se les deteminó: acidez y alcalinidad (pH), conductividad eléctrica (CE), Sólidos Totales Disueltos (TDS), cationes y aniones y oligoelementos; además se determinaron  índices agrícolas: Índice de adsorción de sodio (SAR), Carbonato de sodio residual (CSR), Porcentaje de sodio soluble (PSS), Porcentaje de sodio (% Na), Relación de Kelly (RK), Relación de Absorción de Magnesio (RAM), Índice de Permeabilidad (IP), Salinidad Efectiva (SE), Salinidad Potencial (SP) y Potencial Osmótico (OP). En general, el PSS, %Na, RK, IP son bajas, sólo hay un punto anómalo (9) con valores altos en la parte oeste del área de estudio. Del mismo modo, SP, SE, Cl, Na y el RAS son bajos, excepto en el punto 16 y en contraste, CSR y pH son altos, excepto en este punto ubicado en el centro del área de estudio. Los resultados nos permiten inferir que el agua en ese acuífero no presenta problemas de sodicidad y de tóxicos. En 27 sitios se encontraron valores superiores a 250 μmhos/cm a 25 ° C, clasificados como de riesgo medio a alto de salinidad, es decir inadecuados para uso agrícola. El análisis del efecto combinado de la presencia de sodio (RAS) y salinidad (CE o SDT) muestra que 27 de los sitios analizados presentan restricciones de medias a muy altas para su uso en riego.


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How to Cite


Santacruz de León, G., Ramos Leal, J. A., Morán Ramírez, J., López Álvarez, B. and Santacruz de León, E. E. (2017). Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(3), 117–127.


Santacruz de León, G., Ramos Leal, J.A., Morán Ramírez, J., López Álvarez, B. and Santacruz de León, E.E. 2017. Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 21, 3 (Jul. 2017), 117–127. DOI:


Santacruz de León, G.; Ramos Leal, J. A.; Morán Ramírez, J.; López Álvarez, B.; Santacruz de León, E. E. Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Earth sci. res. j. 2017, 21, 117-127.


SANTACRUZ DE LEÓN, G.; RAMOS LEAL, J. A.; MORÁN RAMÍREZ, J.; LÓPEZ ÁLVAREZ, B.; SANTACRUZ DE LEÓN, E. E. Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 3, p. 117–127, 2017. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v21n3.63455. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Santacruz de León, Germán, José Alfredo Ramos Leal, Janete Morán Ramírez, Briseida López Álvarez, and Eugenio Eliseo Santacruz de León. 2017. “Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21 (3):117-27.


Santacruz de León, G., Ramos Leal, J. A., Morán Ramírez, J., López Álvarez, B. and Santacruz de León, E. E. (2017) “Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(3), pp. 117–127. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v21n3.63455.


G. Santacruz de León, J. A. Ramos Leal, J. Morán Ramírez, B. López Álvarez, and E. E. Santacruz de León, “Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 117–127, Jul. 2017.


Santacruz de León, G., J. A. Ramos Leal, J. Morán Ramírez, B. López Álvarez, and E. E. Santacruz de León. “Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, July 2017, pp. 117-2, doi:10.15446/esrj.v21n3.63455.


Santacruz de León, Germán, José Alfredo Ramos Leal, Janete Morán Ramírez, Briseida López Álvarez, and Eugenio Eliseo Santacruz de León. “Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21, no. 3 (July 1, 2017): 117–127. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Santacruz de León G, Ramos Leal JA, Morán Ramírez J, López Álvarez B, Santacruz de León EE. Quality indices of groundwater for agricultural use in the Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];21(3):117-2. Available from:

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2. Jinke Liu, Guilin Han. (2020). Distributions and Source Identification of the Major Ions in Zhujiang River, Southwest China: Examining the Relationships Between Human Perturbations, Chemical Weathering, Water Quality and Health Risk. Exposure and Health, 12(4), p.849.

3. Peiyue Li, Rui Tian, Rong Liu. (2019). Solute Geochemistry and Multivariate Analysis of Water Quality in the Guohua Phosphorite Mine, Guizhou Province, China. Exposure and Health, 11(2), p.81.

4. Jie Ren, Guilin Han, Xiaolong Liu, Jinke Liu, Xi Gao. (2023). Water Chemical Characteristics and Water Quality Evaluation of the River under the Ecological Water Replenishment: A Case Study in the Yongding River Basin in North China. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7(8), p.1505.

5. Hanane Merouchi, Abdelkader Bouderbala, Yamina Elmeddahi. (2024). Mapping natural groundwater potential recharge zones using GIS-AHP in the Upper Cheliff alluvial aquifer, Algeria. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 13(1), p.77.

6. Houria Abdelbaki, Abdeldjalil Belkendil, Abdelhak Maazouzi, Abderrahmane Mekkaoui. (2022). Assessment of hydrochemical properties of groundwater in the alluvial aquifer of the arid zone of the Igli Region, South-West of Algeria. Desalination and Water Treatment, 268, p.153.

7. Jie Ren, Guilin Han, Jinke Liu, Xi Gao. (2024). Assessing wet season water quality and health risks of Chaobai River: impacts of natural weathering and anthropogenic activities in a small urban watershed. Urban Water Journal, 21(4), p.393.

8. Lubna A. Ibrahim, Doaa M. Hammad. (2024). Assessment of the impact of irrigating with treated wastewater on soil and crop trace metal accumulation. Water Science, 38(1), p.324.

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13. Jinke Liu, Guilin Han. (2020). Major ions and δ34SSO4 in Jiulongjiang River water: Investigating the relationships between natural chemical weathering and human perturbations. Science of The Total Environment, 724, p.138208.

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15. Ruiyin Han, Zhifang Xu. (2022). Riverine Hydrochemical Characteristics of a Typical Karst Urban Watershed: Major Ion Compositions, Sources, Assessment, and Historical Evolution. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6(6), p.1495.

16. Germán Santacruz de León, José Alfredo Ramos-Leal, Janete Morán Ramírez, Oscar Guadalupe Almanza-Tovar. (2024). Drought and Water Quality in a Semi-arid Area: Effects in Livestock Production, Agriculture and Use Urban. Water Resources Management,

17. Jinke Liu, Guilin Han, Man Liu, Jie Zeng, Bin Liang, Rui Qu. (2019). Distribution, Sources and Water Quality Evaluation of the Riverine Solutes: A Case Study in the Lancangjiang River Basin, Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(23), p.4670.



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