

Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China

Influencia de la presión y el contenido de agua sobre el índice de colapsabilidad de loess, en el distrito especial Xixian, provincia de Shaonxi, China



Xixian New Area, loess collapsibility, wetting, pressure, initial collapse water content (en)
Distrito especial de Xixian (China), colapsabilidad de loess, humectación, presión, contenido de agua incial de colapso. (es)



  • Jiading Wang State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
  • Yan Ma State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
  • Qianyi Guo State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
  • Di Chu State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
More than 40% area of the Xixian New Area is a loess deposit region, and most of the loess landform is tableland and terrace where the thickness of loess is very large. Therefore, loess collapsibility will be the most important geotechnical problem in future foundation investigation and construction. To explore loess collapsibility in the Xixian New Area, we conducted the K0 compression test, based on the collapsibility mechanism, which has different combinations of pressure (0~1.2 MPa) and water content (4%~Sat). Based on the σ-ε curve under different water content, we calculated the generalised collapse settlement and collapsibility coefficient of every water content under every pressure by subtracting the relevant curve from the saturated curve, and analysed the cross action of pressure and water on loess compressibility. The results show that the average collapsibility level of the northern Xixian New Area is self-weight collapsible level Ⅱ, with a lower limit of 14 m. Compressibility of loess is proportional to pressure and water content. Under low water content, the collapsibility coefficient δs increased while the pressure increased, but under medium and high water content, δs will reach peak with increasing pressure and after that, δs will decrease until its value is close to constant. When under the same pressure, δs decreases when water content increases. If set the additional strain 1.5% as collapse start criterion, then the initial collapse pressure Pi will linear proportional to water content. The initial collapse water content wi will increase sharply when pressure increases under low pressure, but wi will reach a constant value of 26% when pressure is larger than 200 kPa. This consequence will be meaningful for future geotechnical investigation and design in the Xixian New Area.

Para estimar la colapsabilidad en Xixian se realizó el test de compresión (K0), de acuerdo con el mecanismo de colapsabilidad, con diferentes combinaciones de presión (0~1.2 MPa) y contenido de agua (4%~Sat). Basado en la curva σ-ε con diferentes contenidos de agua se calcularon los coeficientes de asentamiento y colapsabilidad a partir de substracción de la curva en condiciones de saturación y analizando los efectos de presión y contenido de agua. Los resultados muestran que el promedio de colapsabilidad por su propio peso para el área de Xixian es de nivel II, con un límite bajo de hasta 14 m. La compresibilidad de loess es proporcional a la presión y al contenido de agua. Con un bajo contenido de agua, el coeficiente de colapsabilidad (δs) se incrementó mientras la presión se aumentó; pero, con contenidos medios y altos de agua, el coeficiente de colapsabilidad alcanzó su pico con el incremento de la presión, y luego bajó para prácticamente estabilizarse. Bajo presión constante, la colapsabilidad descendió al aumentar el contenido de agua. Si se asume como criterio inicial de colapso (Pi) una deformación adicional de 1.5%, Pi es linealmente proporcional al contenido de agua. El contenido de agua inicial de colapso (wi) se incrementa drásticamente cuando la presión se eleva a baja presión, sin embargo, el contenido de agua alcanza un valor constante de 26 % cuando la presión es de más de 200 kPa. Estos resultados son significativos para la investigación geotécnica y el diseño estructural en Xixian. 


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How to Cite


Wang, J., Ma, Y., Guo, Q. and Chu, D. (2017). Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(4), 197–202.


Wang, J., Ma, Y., Guo, Q. and Chu, D. 2017. Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 21, 4 (Oct. 2017), 197–202. DOI:


Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; Guo, Q.; Chu, D. Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China. Earth sci. res. j. 2017, 21, 197-202.


WANG, J.; MA, Y.; GUO, Q.; CHU, D. Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 4, p. 197–202, 2017. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v21n4.66106. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.


Wang, Jiading, Yan Ma, Qianyi Guo, and Di Chu. 2017. “Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21 (4):197-202.


Wang, J., Ma, Y., Guo, Q. and Chu, D. (2017) “Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(4), pp. 197–202. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v21n4.66106.


J. Wang, Y. Ma, Q. Guo, and D. Chu, “Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 197–202, Oct. 2017.


Wang, J., Y. Ma, Q. Guo, and D. Chu. “Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 21, no. 4, Oct. 2017, pp. 197-02, doi:10.15446/esrj.v21n4.66106.


Wang, Jiading, Yan Ma, Qianyi Guo, and Di Chu. “Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 21, no. 4 (October 1, 2017): 197–202. Accessed March 27, 2025.


Wang J, Ma Y, Guo Q, Chu D. Influence of Pressure and Water Content on Loess Collapsibility of the Xixian New Area in Shaanxi Province, China. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];21(4):197-202. Available from:

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2. Jiading Wang, Ping Li, Yan Ma, Tonglu Li. (2018). Influence of irrigation method on the infiltration in loess: field study in the Loess Plateau. Desalination and Water Treatment, 110, p.298.

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4. Panpan Xu, Qiying Zhang, Hui Qian, Meng Guo, Faxuan Yang. (2021). Exploring the geochemical mechanism for the saturated permeability change of remolded loess. Engineering Geology, 284, p.105927.

5. Longfei Zhang, Zaiqiang Hu, Hongru Li, Haicheng She, Xiaoliang Wang. (2023). Impact of water delivery pipeline leakage on collapsible loess foundations and treatment methods. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19, p.e02341.

6. Jie Cao, Bo Pang, Youfeng Li, Haiyuan Zhao, Xilin Lü. (2023). Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of the Wetting Settlement of Remolded Loess. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2519(1), p.012032.

7. Hong Guo, Yalin Nan, Rui Guo, Jiangtao Fu. (2020). A Model for the Spacing of Quicklime Pile to Treat High Water Content Loess. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, p.1.

8. Pan Liu, Xuejiao Zhang, Xueqiang Yang. (2021). Experimental Study of the Effect of a Compacted Lime-Treated Loess on Its Hydraulic Conductivity. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 58(1), p.78.



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