Measurement of radon in soils of Lima City - Peru during the period 2016-2017
Medición del radón 222 en suelos de la provincia de Lima - Perú durante el período 2016-2017
soil gas radon, emanation, Lima, LR-115 detector, Niño Costero, river floods, alluvial deposits, igneous rocks (en)radón en gas del suelo, detector LR-115, emanación, Lima, Niño Costero, inundaciones fluviales, depósitos aluviales, rocas ígneas (es)
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3. Diego Antonio García-Tadeo, Modesto Montoya-Zavaleta, Yumin Tan. (2023). Understanding the Susceptibility of the Tropical Proglacial Environment in Peru Using Optical Imagery and Radon Measurements. Atmosphere, 14(3), p.568.
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6. Ratan Kumar Majumder, Sudeb Chandra Das, Md. Golam Rasul, Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil, Nafisa Tamannaya Dina, Mohammad Zafrul Kabir, Farah Deeba, Mohammad Rajib. (2021). Measurement of radon concentrations and their annual effective doses in soils and rocks of Jaintiapur and its adjacent areas, Sylhet, North-east Bangladesh. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 329(1), p.265.
7. William Pedro Verástegui-López, Percy Salazar-Matos, Wilder Abel Fernández-Campos, Gustavo Ernesto Zárate-Ruiz, Cristian Gumercindo Medina-Sotelo, Nilton Isaias Cueva-Quezada. (2024). Radon-222, silent enemy of health: Systematic review. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias, 3
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