

Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine

Imágenes finas mediante el uso de detección avanzada de ondas reflejadas en una mina subterránea de carbón



Mine roadway, Advanced detection, Polarization analysis, Fine imaging, (en)
Carretera de minas, detección avanzada, análisis de polarización, imágenes finas, (es)



  • Bo Wang State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics & Underground Engineering and School of Resource and Earth Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
  • Shengdong Liu State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics & Underground Engineering and School of Resource and Earth Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
  • Biao Jin State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics & Underground Engineering and School of Resource and Earth Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
  • Wanyong Qiu State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics & Underground Engineering and School of Resource and Earth Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou

Safety of the mine roadway constructions is controlled by geological disasters such as faults, goaves and so on. The advanced prediction has become an in-demand topic, and advanced detection method of the reflected wave is a crucial technology for advanced prediction of geological anomalies. However, due to the influence of the complex near-source seismic wavefield in the coal mine roadway, the result of wavefield separation and migration imaging is not accurate, which lead to the fact that the fine imaging of geological anomaly is difficult. A comparative analysis of wavefield separation method of kinematics and dynamics is carried out in this paper to solve this problem. A factor of principal polarization direction is introduced according to “the orthogonal difference between the propagation direction of P-wave and S-wave and the vibration direction of particle” starting from the real-time polarization analysis from three-component seismic signals. By the factor, a modified function is constructed and integrated into pre-stack diffraction migration, which put forward the polarization migration method that incorporates wavefield separation with migration imaging. The results of physical simulation and field survey in Xiangyuan coal mine in western China are as follows: The fine imaging by using advanced detection of the reflected waves in underground coal mine can be achieved by using polarization migration in linear observation system and the polarization migration has the effect of enhancing the spatial resolution.

La seguridad de las construcciones de carreteras de mina está controlada por desastres geológicos, como fallas, obstrucciones, etc. La predicción avanzada se ha convertido en un tema de demanda, y el método de detección avanzada de la onda reflejada es una tecnología crucial para la predicción avanzada de anomalías geológicas. Sin embargo, debido a la influencia del complejo campo de ondas sísmicas de fuente cercana en la carretera de la mina de carbón, el resultado de la separación de los campos de onda y la imagen de migración no es preciso, lo que lleva al hecho de que es difícil obtener imágenes finas de anomalías geológicas. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo del método de cinemática y dinámica de separación de campos de onda para resolver este problema. Un factor de la dirección de polarización principal se introduce según "la diferencia ortogonal entre la dirección de propagación de la onda P y la onda S y la dirección de vibración de la partícula" a partir del análisis de polarización en tiempo real desde señales sísmicas de tres componentes. Por el factor, una función modificada se construye e integra en la migración de difracción de pila previa, lo que presenta el método de migración de polarización que incorpora la separación del campo de onda con la imagen de migración. Los resultados de la simulación física y el estudio de campo en la mina de carbón Xiangyuan en el oeste de China son los siguientes: La imagen fina mediante el uso de detección avanzada de las ondas reflejadas en una mina de carbón subterránea se puede lograr mediante el uso de la migración de polarización en un sistema de observación lineal y la migración de polarización tiene el efecto de mejorar la resolución espacial.


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How to Cite


Wang, B., Liu, S., Jin, B. and Qiu, W. (2019). Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 23(1), 93–99.


Wang, B., Liu, S., Jin, B. and Qiu, W. 2019. Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 23, 1 (Jan. 2019), 93–99. DOI:


Wang, B.; Liu, S.; Jin, B.; Qiu, W. Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine. Earth sci. res. j. 2019, 23, 93-99.


WANG, B.; LIU, S.; JIN, B.; QIU, W. Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 1, p. 93–99, 2019. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78750. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


Wang, Bo, Shengdong Liu, Biao Jin, and Wanyong Qiu. 2019. “Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 23 (1):93-99.


Wang, B., Liu, S., Jin, B. and Qiu, W. (2019) “Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 23(1), pp. 93–99. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78750.


B. Wang, S. Liu, B. Jin, and W. Qiu, “Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 93–99, Jan. 2019.


Wang, B., S. Liu, B. Jin, and W. Qiu. “Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 93-99, doi:10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78750.


Wang, Bo, Shengdong Liu, Biao Jin, and Wanyong Qiu. “Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 23, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 93–99. Accessed March 6, 2025.


Wang B, Liu S, Jin B, Qiu W. Fine Imaging by Using Advanced Detection of Reflected Waves in Underground Coal Mine. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];23(1):93-9. Available from:

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2. Miao Yu, Xiang Li, Guanhua Li. (2021). Detection method of dissolved oxygen saturation in ecological water in coastal cities. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(7)

3. Bo Wang, Wanyong Qiu, Shengdong Liu, Huachao Sun, Xin Ding, Biao Jin, Zhendong Zhang. (2020). Supercritical CO2 source for underground seismic exploration. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 32(2), p.1731.

4. Dingchao Chen, Xiangyu Wang, Jianbiao Bai, Jianfei Lu, Bowen Wu, Xin Li, Yan Li, Feiteng Zhang, Menglong Li. (2025). Advanced detection methods for tunnels and roadways: a review. Measurement Science and Technology, 36(1), p.012007.

5. Lanying Huang, Shengcheng Wang, Xuejuan Song. (2020). Three-component channel wave characteristics and fine imaging of erosion zone. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 32(1), p.1197.

6. Yongxiao Cao, Xianglong Zhang, Zihan Chen, Zhixiao Zhang, Huaibin Wei. (2022). Construction of pollution risk early warning model for urban drinking water supply chain. Water Supply, 22(12), p.8540.

7. Pengfei Zhou, Kai Li, Chao Fu, Xiaobin Xu, Zhijun Geng, Weimin Yang, Yi Zhang, Shuai Cao. (2023). Random Noise Attenuation in Tunnel Based on EMD-T-FSS. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 41(1), p.27.

8. Ping Huang, Wei Huang, Yongliang Zhang, Shibin Tang. (2021). Simulation study on sectional ventilation of long-distance high-temperature roadway in mine. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(16)

9. Lanying Huang, Shengcheng Wang, Xuejuan Song. (2020). Comparison study of three-component polarization analysis methods for seismic advanced detection in the roadway. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(23)

10. Ghanem Brahmi, Mohammed Bougara. (2023). Atténuation du ground roll par le filtre surface wave atténuation : application pour le cas des données sismiques. Boletín de Ciencias de la Tierra, (52), p.29.



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