

The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin

El campo térmico magma y la acumulación de gas a nivel superficial de reservorios de gas en las partes del Medio Oriente de la Cuenca de Qinshui



Magma, Thermal activity, Magmatic heating, Water movement channel fracture-crack, Network system, Hierarchical configuration, (en)
Magma, Actividad térmica, Calefacción magmática, Movimiento de agua en canales de Fractura-grieta, Sistema de red, Configuración jerárquica, (es)



  • Ke Sun School of Energy resource, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China
  • Shuheng Tang School of Energy resource, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China
  • Songhang Zhang School of Energy resource, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China
  • Zhaodong Xi School of Energy resource, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China
  • Jun Li College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing, 100083, China

In this study, the metal-non-metal mineral gas-water hydrothermal concept is used to analyze the movement channels of magmatic heating water. Further, the concept of fractures-faults-cracks microfissures hierarchical configuration of the movement channels of magmatic heating water is proposed. In addition, the magma thermal field formed by magmatic heating water movement is studied and analyzed. Based on the basin simulation method, which is combined with the paleo-tectonic evolution analysis and restoration of the ancient burial depth in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin, the tectonic evolution history, thermal evolution history, and hydrocarbon generation and exhaustion history of tight gas reservoirs in the Yushe-Wuxiang block in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin have been investigated. On the basis of the theories and methods that are proposed in this study, the hierarchical configuration of fractures-faults-cracks microfissures movement channels of magmatic heating water in the Yushe-Wuxiang block in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin was studied and analyzed. It is observed that the magmatic heating water rises to the source formation through the movement channels of hierarchical configuration, heats the source rocks, accelerates the evolution of the source rock in the shallow layer, and forms a tight gas reservoir. 

En este estudio, el concepto de mineral metal-no-metal hidrotermal gas-agua se utiliza para analizar los canales de movimiento del agua de calentamiento magmático. También se propone el concepto de configuración jerárquica de las microfisuras fracturas-fallas-grietas de los canales de movimiento del agua de calentamiento magmático. Además, se estudia y analiza el campo térmico de magma formado por el movimiento de agua de calentamiento magmático. Basado en el método de simulación de la cuenca, que se combina con el análisis de la evolución paleotectónica y la restauración de la profundidad de enterramiento en las partes del Medio Oriente de la Cuenca Qinshui, se ha investigado la historia de evolución tectónica, la historia de evolución térmica y la historia de generación y agotamiento de hidrocarburos en los depósitos de gases en el bloque Yushe-Wuxiang en las partes del medio oriente de la cuenca Qinshui. Sobre la base de las teorías y métodos que se proponen en este estudio, se analizó la configuración jerárquica de los canales de movimiento de microfisuras fracturas-fallas-grietas del agua de calentamiento magmática en el bloque Yushe-Wuxiang en las partes medio-orientales de la cuenca Qinshui. Se observa que el agua de calentamiento magmático sube a la formación de la fuente a través de los canales de movimiento de configuración jerárquica, calienta las rocas de origen, acelera la evolución de la roca de origen en la capa superficial y forma un depósito de gas estrecho.


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How to Cite


Sun, K., Tang, S., Zhang, S., Xi, Z. and Li, J. (2019). The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 23(1), 27–34.


Sun, K., Tang, S., Zhang, S., Xi, Z. and Li, J. 2019. The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 23, 1 (Jan. 2019), 27–34. DOI:


Sun, K.; Tang, S.; Zhang, S.; Xi, Z.; Li, J. The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin. Earth sci. res. j. 2019, 23, 27-34.


SUN, K.; TANG, S.; ZHANG, S.; XI, Z.; LI, J. The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 1, p. 27–34, 2019. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78805. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 oct. 2024.


Sun, Ke, Shuheng Tang, Songhang Zhang, Zhaodong Xi, and Jun Li. 2019. “The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 23 (1):27-34.


Sun, K., Tang, S., Zhang, S., Xi, Z. and Li, J. (2019) “The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 23(1), pp. 27–34. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78805.


K. Sun, S. Tang, S. Zhang, Z. Xi, and J. Li, “The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 27–34, Jan. 2019.


Sun, K., S. Tang, S. Zhang, Z. Xi, and J. Li. “The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 27-34, doi:10.15446/esrj.v23n1.78805.


Sun, Ke, Shuheng Tang, Songhang Zhang, Zhaodong Xi, and Jun Li. “The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 23, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 27–34. Accessed October 20, 2024.


Sun K, Tang S, Zhang S, Xi Z, Li J. The magma thermal field and the shallow-level gas accumulation of tight gas reservoirs in the middle-eastern parts of the Qinshui Basin. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];23(1):27-34. Available from:

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