

Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor

Caracterización del suelo en la provincia de Hatay, Turquía, a través de los métodos Refracción sísmica, Análisis Multicanal de Ondas Superficiales y Microtemblores



soil investigation, MASW, REMI, HVSR technique, Site Classification (en)
Investigación del suelo, MASW, ReMi, Técnica de Relación Espectral Horizontal a Vertical, clasificación de sitio (es)



In this study, shallow seismic surveys, including seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), and Microtremor measurements were conducted to estimate site characterization at 26 strong-motion stations of AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) in the province of Hatay, situated in one of the most seismically active regions in southern Turkey. The Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique was applied, using smoothed Fourier spectra derived from a long duration series to determine dominant frequency values at different amplification levels. Shear wave velocity up to 30 m of the ground was detected with MASW analysis. In the ReMi analysis, up to 80 m was reached with a corresponding average of 650 m/s shear wave velocity. The shear wave velocities estimated by the MASW method up to 30 m were compared with those found by the ReMi method, and they were observed to be very compatible. The province of Hatay was classified according to Vs30 based NEHRP Provisions, Eurocode-8, the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation (TBDY-2018), and Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2001). The shear-wave velocity (Vs30), Horizontal to Vertical ratio’s (H/V) peak amplitude, dominant period, and site class of each site were determined. The H/V peak amplitudes range between 1.9 and 7.6, while the predominant periods vary from 0.23 sec to 2.94sec in the study area. These results are investigated to explain the consistency of site classification schemes.

En este trabajo se realizaron sondeos sísmicos superficiales como la refracción sísmica, el Análisis Multicanal de Ondas Superficiales (MASW, del inglés Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves), la refracción de microtemblores (ReMi, del inglés Refraction Microtremor), y la medición de microtemblores para una caracterización en 26 estaciones de registros sísmicos de la AFAD (Autoridad para la Administración de Desastres y Emergencias) en la provincia de Hatay, que está situada en una de las regiones sísmicamente más activas del sur de Turquía. Se aplicó la técnica de Relación Espectral Horizontal a Vertical con un espectro Fourier regular derivado de una serie de larga duración para determinar los valores de frecuencia dominante a diferentes niveles de amplificación. La velocidad de la onda de corte por encima de los 30 metros de profundidad se detectó a través de la técnica MASW. El análisis ReMi por encima de los 80 metros se logró con una media correspondiente de 650 m/s en la velocidad de la onda de corte. Las velocidades en las ondas de corte alcanzadas por el método MASW se compararon con aquellas de la técnica ReMi, y se observó que son muy compatibles. La provincia de Hatay fue clasificada de acuerdo con la norma NEHRP            con base en Vs30, Eurocode-8, la entidad de regulación sísmica de Turquía (TBDY-2018), y Rodríguez-Marek et al. (2001). Se determinó la velocidad de la onda de corte (VS30), la amplitud del pico de la relación Horizontal a Vertical (H/V), el período dominante, y el tipo de cada sitio analizado. Las amplitudes del pico en las relaciones H/V están entre 1.9 y 7.6, mientras que los períodos predominantes varían entre 0.23 segundos y 2.94 segundos en el área de estudio. Estos resultados se investigaron para explicar la consistencia de los esquemas de clasificación de sitios.


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How to Cite


Kurtuluş, C., sertcelik, ibrahim, Sertçelik, F., Livaoğlu, H. and Şaş, C. (2021). Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(4), 473–484.


Kurtuluş, C., sertcelik, ibrahim, Sertçelik, F., Livaoğlu, H. and Şaş, C. 2021. Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 24, 4 (Jan. 2021), 473–484. DOI:


Kurtuluş, C.; sertcelik, ibrahim; Sertçelik, F.; Livaoğlu, H.; Şaş, C. Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor. Earth sci. res. j. 2021, 24, 473-484.


KURTULUŞ, C.; SERTCELIK, ibrahim; SERTÇELIK, F.; LIVAOĞLU, H.; ŞAŞ, C. Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 4, p. 473–484, 2021. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v24n4.79123. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Kurtuluş, Cengiz, ibrahim sertcelik, Fadime Sertçelik, Hamdullah Livaoğlu, and Cüneyt Şaş. 2021. “Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24 (4):473-84.


Kurtuluş, C., sertcelik, ibrahim, Sertçelik, F., Livaoğlu, H. and Şaş, C. (2021) “Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(4), pp. 473–484. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v24n4.79123.


C. Kurtuluş, ibrahim sertcelik, F. Sertçelik, H. Livaoğlu, and C. Şaş, “Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 473–484, Jan. 2021.


Kurtuluş, C., ibrahim sertcelik, F. Sertçelik, H. Livaoğlu, and C. Şaş. “Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 4, Jan. 2021, pp. 473-84, doi:10.15446/esrj.v24n4.79123.


Kurtuluş, Cengiz, ibrahim sertcelik, Fadime Sertçelik, Hamdullah Livaoğlu, and Cüneyt Şaş. “Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24, no. 4 (January 26, 2021): 473–484. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Kurtuluş C, sertcelik ibrahim, Sertçelik F, Livaoğlu H, Şaş C. Investigation of Soil Characterization in Hatay Province in Turkey by Using Seismic Refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Microtremor. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];24(4):473-84. Available from:

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