

Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia

Caracterización de eventos hidrotermales asociados con ocurrencias de minerales de cobre-molibdeno en la quebrada El Chucho, Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia



Buga Batholith, porphyritic dikes, hydrothermal alteration, fluid inclusions, microthermometry. (en)
Batolito de Buga, alteraciones hidrotermales, molibdenita, microtermometría, diques porfiríticos (es)



  • Diana Barrera Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juan Carlos Molano Universidad Nacional de Colombia

At El Chucho creek, located to the west of the Valle del Cauca department in Colombia, some hydrothermal alterations affecting the Buga Batholith rocks and dykes of porphyritic quartz-dioritic and tonalitic composition were identified. These lithological units host mineral occurrences of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite that occur disseminated in the rocks or associated with quartz veinlets. The hydrothermal alterations identified were phyllic, propylitic, and, in minor quantity, potassic. The two firsts alterations’ distribution is related to structures and pervasive, whereas the last one seems restricted to contact zones of porphyritic dykes on tonalite. Microthermometric data were acquired i) on quartz veinlets of 1 cm thick over a phyllic alteration zone, and ii) on quartz veinlet of 1 cm thick with chalcopyrite ± molybdenite and copper silicates, both veinlets cutting the phaneritic tonalite. Those data suggest that the mineralizing fluids have an aqueous-saline chemical system and were trapped under low volatile content. The microthermal data allowed authors to identify two mineralizing events. One of them of higher temperature, with homogenization temperatures between 275°C-480°C; as the second event is characterized by lower homogenization temperatures that range from 100°C to 139°C.

En la quebrada El Chucho, localizada en el occidente del departamento del Valle del Cauca-Colombia, fueron identificadas alteraciones hidrotermales que afectan tanto a rocas tonalíticas del Batolito de Buga como a diques porfiríticos de composición cuarzo-diorítica y tonalítica. Estas unidades litológicas hospedan minerales como pirita, calcopirita y molibdenita que se presentan diseminados y en parte asociados con vetillas de cuarzo. Las alteraciones hidrotermales identificadas corresponden a fílica, propilítica y en menor medida potásica. La distribución de las dos primeras alteraciones está relacionada con estructuras o bien pueden presentarse de forma pervasiva en las rocas afectadas; mientras que la última parece estar restringida a las zonas de contacto de los diques porfiríticos con la tonalita del Batolito de Buga. Los datos de microtermometría se midieron i) en vetillas de cuarzo de 1 cm de espesor localizadas sobre zonas de alteración fílica y ii) en vetillas de cuarzo de 1 cm de espesor con calcopirita ± molibdenita y silicatos de cobre; ambas vetillas se encuentran cortando la tonalita fanerítica. Los datos microtermométricos sugieren que los fluidos mineralizantes tienen un sistema químico acuoso-salino y fueron atrapados bajo un régimen de bajo contenido volátil; además, la información microtermométrica permitió identificar dos eventos mineralizantes, uno de ellos de alta temperatura, cuyas temperaturas de homogenización varían entre 275°C–480°C y un segundo evento caracterizados por bajas temperaturas de homogenización que van desde 100°C a 139°C.


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How to Cite


Barrera, D. and Molano, J. C. (2021). Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 25(1), 5–12.


Barrera, D. and Molano, J.C. 2021. Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 25, 1 (Apr. 2021), 5–12. DOI:


Barrera, D.; Molano, J. C. Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Earth sci. res. j. 2021, 25, 5-12.


BARRERA, D.; MOLANO, J. C. Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 5–12, 2021. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v25n1.79152. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.


Barrera, Diana, and Juan Carlos Molano. 2021. “Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 25 (1):5-12.


Barrera, D. and Molano, J. C. (2021) “Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 25(1), pp. 5–12. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v25n1.79152.


D. Barrera and J. C. Molano, “Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 5–12, Apr. 2021.


Barrera, D., and J. C. Molano. “Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, Apr. 2021, pp. 5-12, doi:10.15446/esrj.v25n1.79152.


Barrera, Diana, and Juan Carlos Molano. “Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 25, no. 1 (April 16, 2021): 5–12. Accessed March 10, 2025.


Barrera D, Molano JC. Characterization of hydrothermal events associated with the occurrence of copper-molybdenum minerals in the El Chucho creek at Cerrito, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];25(1):5-12. Available from:

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1. Carlos José Charry, Juan Carlos Molano, Leonardo Santacruz, Janeth Sepulveda. (2023). Magnetic Petrology applied to the characterization of Pegmatite Dykes in Eastern Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 27(1), p.11.

2. Bibiana P. Rodríguez-Ramos, Juan Carlos Molano Mendoza, Camilo E. Dorado. (2024). A contribution to the understanding of the origin of the Ginebra Gold District mineralizations, Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 27(4), p.327.



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